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"Heba, you never mentioned to me that you had such a beautiful sister." Atemu said.

"Well, I haven't seen her in five years. She's changed a lot, but she was very beautiful back then, too. In fact, she's even more beautiful now than she was back then." Heba said.

"I can understand why she has so many suitors. She is a very beautiful girl." Atemu said.

Heba glared playfully. "I thought that I was the one that you thought was beautiful." Heba said, turning away, feigning anger.

Atemu smirked and wrapped his arms around Heba from behind. He leaned down and started to kiss Heba on the neck.

Heba had to bite his lip to keep a moan form escaping.

"You are the most beautiful person that I have ever seen, Heba. You know that. I'm afraid that even though you have a beautiful sister, her beauty pales in comparison to yours in my eyes." Atemu said.

Heba shivered as Atemu's hot breath ghosted over his ear. "You are such a charmer, Atemu." Heba said. He couldn't stop the moan from escaping as Atemu went back to kissing Heba on the neck.

Atemu started to lead Heba to the bed with not-so-innocent intentions.

"Atemu, no!" Heba said firmly, managing to get out of Atemu's grasp.

"Why not?' Atemu asked, pouting slightly.

Heba started laughing.

Atemu blinked. "What do you find so funny?" Atemu asked.

"You. You just look so cute when you pout." Heba said.

"I do not." Atemu snapped. He hated it when Heba called him cute.

"Yes, you are." Heba said.

Atemu growled, but quickly pulled Heba into a heated kiss.

Heba squeaked as Atemu forced his way into Heba's mouth. Heba let out a moan as Atemu roamed around the inside of his mouth.

Atemu started to manoeuvre Heba over toward the bed when Heba stopped him.

"Atemu, I said no." Heba said, rather breathless from the kiss.

"Why not, Heba?" Atemu asked.

"I came here to see my sister, and I haven't seen her except for a few moments. I would like to spend a little time with her considering we're only here for two weeks before we have to go back to the palace. I would like to spend some time with her before then." Heba said.

"Oh, all right." Atemu agreed.

"Don't worry. I have a feeling that Yami and the others will be rather bored as well, so I suggest that you all stay together. I'm sure that grandfather wouldn't mind if you explored." Heba said.

"All right. Have fun with your sister." Atemu said.

"I will." Heba said. He kissed Atemu chastely on the lips before leaving the room.

Atemu shook his head. "Heba doesn't realize that he has complete control of me. Of course, I'll never tell him that." Atemu said.

* * * * *

Yuugi sat in her room reading a book. She had figured that Heba and the others would want time to rest, so she decided that she would stay there and read for a while.

A knock on her door ended that plan.

Yuugi set the book down and went to her door. She was surprised to see Heba outside. "Heba, what are you doing here?" Yuugi asked, surprised.

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