Their First Night

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Warning:- This chapter is just a lemon, so if you don't like them, skip to the next chapter.

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The evening celebration ball ended late, and everyone finally went back to their rooms.

Yuugi and Yami went to Yami's bed chambers, which had become their room with their marriage. The new couple entered the room and gasped at the room.

The bed had been stripped, and the sheets that were on the bed were crimson, silk sheets. There were several lighted candled strewn throughout the room. The room had a rather romantic glow to it because of the candle that had been lighted.

"Who did this?" Yuugi asked.

"Hmm. If I had to guess, I'd say that Atemu and the others had this done." Yami replied.

"Do you really think that they would have done this?" Yuugi asked.

"Yes, I do." Yami answered. He walked over to the bed and picked up the note. "And this proves my theory." Yami said before handing the note to Yuugi.

The note read:

We thought that we'd give the room a new look for you two. Hope you have fun.

The note had been signed by Atemu, Seth, Marik, and Bakura.

"I never thought that Bakura and Marik would do this." Yuugi murmured.

"I know. I was sure that they would kill me when they thought that we had slept together. I never imagined that they would be in on decorating the room like this." Yami agreed. A smirk crossed his lips. "Although I think that they had the right idea." Yami said.

Before Yuugi could question what he meant, Yami pulled her into a heart-stopping kiss. Yuugi kissed him back as she brought her arms up to wrap around Yami's neck as Yami wrapped his arms around Yuugi.

The two broke apart, and Yami said, "I think that it's time for a little fun."

"Hold that thought for a minute." Yuugi said.

"Why?" Yami asked.

"I thought that we could play a game." Yuugi said.

"A game? Yuugi, this is our wedding night. Any game is the last thing that I want to do." Yami whined.

Yuugi smirked mischievously. "Actually, Yami, I think that this is a game that you will like." Yuugi said.

Yami raised an eyebrow, his curiosity peaked. "Oh. And why would I enjoy this game that you have planned?" Yami asked.

Yuugi smiled. She went over to the nightstand and pulled out a deck of cards.

"Any reason that we need the cards?" Yami asked.

"Yes, actually. We're going to play a regular card game, but there's a little twist to it." Yuugi said as she sat down on the bed.

"And what would the twist be?" Yami asked, joining Yuugi on the bed.

"Well, as I said, we'll be playing a normal card game, but the loser of each hand has to take off a piece of their jewellery first and once all their jewellery is gone, they have to start removing their clothes." Yuugi answered with a smirk.

Yami smirked back. He was liking the sound of this game. "And when does the game end, Yuugi?" Yami asked.

"Why, when we're both naked, of course." Yuugi said.

"Well, let's start the game then." Yami said, ready to get this game underway.

Yuugi smiled. She had expected that reaction from her husband.

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