The Ball

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Yuugi stood in her room. She was dressed in her dress for the ball.

There was a knock on her door.

"Come in." Yuugi called.

Heba walked in and said, "You ready?" He stopped and starred. "Wow. Isis did a really good job with your dress." Heba said.

"Do you think it looks good?" Yuugi asked.

"You look stunning, Yuugi. Every guy in the ball is going to wish that they were Yami when they see you." Heba said.

"Most guys want me anyway. Could you help me get this necklace on, Heba?" Yuugi asked.

"Yeah. Sure." Heba replied. He took the necklace from Yuugi and tied the rope around Yuugi's neck so that the necklace hung around her neck. "There." Heba said, stepping back.

"Thanks, Heba." Yuugi said.

"No problem. Yami's going to be real happy when he sees you. I think that he's going to be thinking that he has the most beautiful girl at the ball as his date." Heba said.

Yuugi blushed. "I'm not going to be the most beautiful girl at the ball." Yuugi protested.

"I think that you will be, and I'm sure that Yami would agree with me." Heba said.

"Well, should we be going now?" Yuugi asked.

"Yeah. We'd better. Atemu'll be wondering where we are, and if I know him as well as I think I do, he'll send guards after us just to make sure that we're all right." Heba said.

"Overprotective much?" Yuugi asked.

"Very. Come on." Heba said.

Yuugi and Heba left the room to go and meet Atemu and Yami.

* * * * *

Seth, Jou, Isis, Mahado, Eternias, and Yuesei were already at the ball.

"I must say that this ball is rather packed." Seth said.

"Well, anyone who received an invitation will be here. I don't think that anyone would want to refuse an invitation from the Pharaoh." Jou said.

"He makes a good point. Few would dare so something like that." Isis agreed.

"The Pharaoh and the others should be arriving soon." Eternias said.

It was custom that the ball not official start until the Pharaoh and his wife as well as his sons and their dates arrived.

"They always do tend to arrive in the good time. It was just announced that everyone that was invited are here, so chances are that they'll all be here within the next ten minutes." Yuesei said.

* * * * *

Yuugi and Heba had joined up with Yami and Atemu, who were with their parents at the time.

Yami had been stunned at how gorgeous Yuugi looked in the dress. He had known that the dress was beautiful, but he hadn't thought that Yuugi would look that good in it.

It was only a few minutes after Yuugi and Heba arrived that the group started into the ballroom.

The moment that the doors opened to reveal Aknankanon and Amara, the entire ballroom became silent. No one wanted to risk offending the Pharaoh.

Once Aknankanon, Amara, Atemu, Heba, Yami, and Yuugi reached the throne, Aknankanon and turned and said, "Let the festivities begin!"

Music instantly filled the air, and couples started to dance.

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