Apologies and Announcements

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Yami, Yuugi, and Mana made their way back to the palace from the Mutou house.

"How do you think that Heba and the others will react to the fact that you did come back, Yuugi?" Mana asked.

"I honestly don't know, Mana, but I hope that they have learned their lesson. I really don't want to have to go through this much more." Yuugi said.

"If they haven't, then I swear that I am going to kill them all myself." Yami said.

"I wouldn't worry about that too much, Yami. If I know Heba, by now, he's gone over all the possibilities of how things can turn out that he's driven himself almost crazy." Yuugi said.

"And driven Atemu crazy right along with him." Yami remarked.

* * * * * 

"Okay. Yuugi could come back. I mean, she's in love with Yami, and she's not going to just up and leave him." Heba said as he paced his room.

Atemu shook his head and then returned to reading his book.

"Of course, Yuugi could be angry enough at us that she's not going to come back and might never back to see us again." Heba said.

Atemu let out a sigh.

"Than again, Yuugi's never been one to hold onto a grudge for that long. I'm sure that she didn't mean that she'd stay away. She just needs some time to cool off." Heba said as he continued his pacing.

Atemu's grip on his book tightened. He was getting really irritated about how Heba kept going on about the possible outcomes of his situation with Yuugi.

"On the other hand, we did make Yuugi really upset, and there's a chance that she's not going to want to come back. In fact, she might not ever want to see us another day of her life." Heba said.

Atemu was trying to block out Heba's incessant babbling, but it wasn't working.

"Of course, Yuugi thinks highly of family and wouldn't want to chance losing her relationship with any member of her family." Heba stated. He thought and then said, "Yuugi also was really upset and might decide that she doesn't want to hold family ties to us because of how many pranks we pulled on her and how we made her feel."

Atemu slammed his book down and said, "Heba, that's enough!"

Heba jumped and stopped his pacing to turn and look at Atemu. "What?!" Heba exclaimed.

"Heba, you are driving me crazy going through all these possibilities. Can you please just stop it?" Atemu said.

"I'm sorry, Atemu, but it's driving me crazy not knowing what she's going to do. For all I know, Yami and Mana could come back without Yuugi, and it would be my fault that she didn't want to come back. I could have really destroyed my relationship with my sister." Heba said.

Atemu sighed in frustration. "Heba, there is no reason to worry about something that hasn't happened yet. Yes, it is possible that Yuugi won't come back, but I think that what she really needed was to get away for a little while. I think that being gone for a week will have helped her, and if she doesn't come back, then we'll deal with it when we know." Atemu said.

"Atemu, it is about to drive me insane thinking that Yuugi might not come back just because of my actions." Heba said.

"Heba, if she doesn't come back, then you're going to go there and talk to her. That is if you survive my brother's wrath." Atemu said.

Heba gulped. "Please don't remind me about that." Heba said.

"Well, it's something that you are going to have to think about because he is probably the first person that is going to be coming to talk to you, and I don't think that he's going to be very lenient about this whole dilemma." Atemu said.

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