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"Okay. So, why are we here?" Seth asked grumpily.

Atemu looked over at his cousin. "What's wrong with you?" Atemu asked.

Jou blushed slightly. "Well, um, you sort of interrupted us when you came to get us this morning." Jou explained.

"Oh." Atemu said.

Bakura rolled his eyes. "What are we doing here?" Bakura asked gruffly.

"Well, Ryou, Malik, and I got to talking last night, and we realized something." Heba said.

"We're pretty sure that Yuugi and Yami have a thing for each other." Ryou said.

"Meaning?" Marik asked.

Malik rolled his eyes. "For goodness sakes, Marik! Yuugi and Yami like each other the way that I like you, idiot." Malik said.

"Does he?" Bakura asked.

"Yes, and I know that Yami isn't going to do anything about it, and I very much doubt that Yuugi will." Heba said.

"Let me guess. You want to play matchmaker, and you want all of us to help." Atemu said.

"Am I that transparent?" Heba asked.

"No. I just know you a little too well, Heba." Atemu replied.

"Oh! I'll love to help. Yuugi would make the perfect wife for Yami." Anzu said.

Atemu groaned internally.

Anzu had the look in her eyes that said she was going to do everything that she could to get Yami and Yuugi together.

"Ooo. I'd love to help." Mana put in.

"Heba, I just might have to kill you for suggesting this." Atemu said.

"Come on, Atemu. You were complaining about how you're tired of seeing Yami moping, and we all know that it's because he missed having Yuugi around." Heba said.

"That doesn't mean that I want to interfere in my brother's love life." Atemu remarked.

"It couldn't hurt. I wouldn't mind seeing them get together." Jou said.

"If he does anything to hurt her, I assure you that you'll be the Crown Prince of Egypt again, Atemu." Bakura said.

"Well, Yami wouldn't do that." Atemu said.

"All right. Let's just get this over with so that we can get back to our normal lives." Seth said in an irritated way.

"Well, I think that first thing we should do is get them to go to the ball together." Anzu said.

"Well, Yami does need a date, and I think that I could convince him to ask Yuugi to go just because he would know that Yuugi wouldn't act the way any other woman would in Yuugi's place. Besides, once he has a date, all the women will have to back off for a while." Atemu said.

"Good. And I could convince Yuugi to accept if she doesn't want to at first." Ryou put in.

* * * * *

Yuugi was walking down the hall of the palace. 'I wonder where Heba is. He and Atemu were not in their room.' Yuugi thought.

"Hey, you!" a gruff female voice said angrily.

Yuugi turned to find herself faced with Mia. "Yes. May I help you?" Yuugi asked.

Mia suddenly grabbed Yuugi harshly by her dress and said, "Stay away from my Yami, bitch." Mia hissed.

Yuugi suddenly glared at the woman as she wrenched herself out of Mia's grasp. "I heard from Yami himself that he had no one in his life at the moment." Yuugi said in a rather calm manner though she was boiling with rage.

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