A Brother's Sacrifice

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"Father, please tell me that you are joking." Atemu said. He couldn't believe what his father had just told him that he had to do.

"I'm afraid not, Atemu. You have to marry a girl so that you can carry on the family line and have an heir if you are to be pharaoh." Aknankanon told his son.

"Father, I do not want to marry a girl, though. I don't like girls in that way." Atemu protested.

"I know that, but that's the law. I have no choice in the matter. If you don't marry a girl, then the kingdom could turn against us knowing that there is no heir to the throne. You have to choose a wife within the next year." Aknankanon said.

Atemu wanted to say more, but decided not to. Instead he left the room.

Amara turned to her husband and said, "Aknankanon, you know that Atemu has never liked girls in that way ever. You and I both know that he will be unhappy married to a girl that he does not like."

Aknankanon sighed as he sat down. "I know, Amara, but the law is the law, and the council will not let up on the matter. Atemu has to marry a girl, so that there is an heir. I know how much Atemu loves Heba, but that cannot be helped." Aknankanon said.

Amara sighed. "I wish that there was another way." Amara said.

"There is only one way, but it will never work. Yami would never agree to it." Aknankanon said.

* * * * * *

Atemu walked into his chambers and slammed the door shut.

Heba, who had been laying on the bed, jumped at the sound. He sat up quickly and looked at his obviously upset lover. "Atemu, what's wrong?" Heba asked.

"I just talked to my father. He says that I have to marry a girl within the next year." Atemu said, sitting down on the bed.

"Why? He knows that you do not like women." Heba said.

"I know that, and so does he, but the council won't let up on this matter. I have to marry a girl so that there is an heir to the throne, but I don't want to do that." Atemu said.

"Is there not another way?" Heba asked.

Atemu shook his head. "No. I'm going to be forced to marry a girl so that the damn council can have a child to be the heir to the throne." Atemu groaned.

Heba wrapped his arms around Atemu's shoulders and said, "It'll be fine. You'll see."

"I know that we could still be together even if we are married, but whoever I marry would have the power of the throne and could order your death if she found out about us." Atemu said.

"We'll figure something out, Atemu." Heba said.

"That's just it. I don't want to figure something else out. I don't want to have to marry some nobleman's daughter who will flaunt her position in everyone's faces and do everything in her power to make me miserable just because the council thinks that we need an heir." Atemu said.

Heba rested his head on Atemu's shoulder. He loved Atemu a great deal and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with him, but he also knew that Atemu had a duty to the throne and the people of Egypt. He was aware of the fact that he could be killed by whoever married Atemu, and that he would never have the chance to see Atemu once he married to this girl. Heba would probably end up leaving the palace after Atemu was married so that they wouldn't have to chance something like that.

"Don't even think it, Heba." Atemu said sharply.

Heba moved back a little, startled as Atemu turned to face Heba.

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