I'm his Date

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"Sorry, Yami, but I win again." Yuugi said.

"Damn it. I had better luck winning against you when we were visiting you. I haven't had much luck today." Yami said.

Yuugi smiled at him. "That's probably because you have been distracted by something, Yami. If you'd actually concentrate on the game, you would do a little better." Yuugi said.

"Yeah. I guess so." Yami said. 'You're much more interesting to look at than the game, though.' Yami thought.

"Shall we play again?" Yuugi asked.

"No. There is actually a council meeting that I have to attend, and if I don't go now, I will be late." Yami said.

"Then go. I would rather not be the cause of you being late." Yuugi said.

"You can go and see Heba if you want to. Atemu has to be at this meeting as well, and I am certain that Heba wouldn't mind the company." Yami said.

"I think I will." Yuugi said. She smirked and said, "We can play some more later."

"Yeah. I'd like the rematch." Yami said. 'Of course, there are other types of games that I would like to play with you at some time.' Yami thought. He mentally slapped himself. 'I need to stop thinking those thoughts about Yuugi.' Yami berated himself.

Yuugi and Yami both left the room to go to where they needed to go.

* * * * *

Heba sighed, slightly depressed.

Atemu had left for the meeting, and Heba knew that it would be a while before Atemu got back.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Heba called.

Yuugi opened the door and walked in. "Hi, Heba." Yuugi said.

"Hey, Yuugi. What are you doing here?" Heba asked.

"Yami and I were playing a game of chess when he had to go to the council meeting. He mentioned to me that Atemu would be there, too, and that you might need a little company to keep you from dying of boredom." Yuugi said, sitting down on the bed with Yuugi.

"Oh, thank goodness! I might have to kiss Yami for this." Heba said.

Yuugi smirked at her brother. "Wouldn't Atemu get a little jealous if he saw you kissing his brother?" Yuugi asked.

Heba glared at her. "You know what I mean." Heba said.

Yuugi smiled. "Yes. I do." Yuugi said.

"Anyway, what should we do?" Heba asked.

"I don't know. You're the one that lives here. You know more of what there is to do than I do." Yuugi said.

Heba smiled suddenly. "I know. Let's go out into the gardens. We can get Ryou, Jou, Malik, Marik, and Bakura to go, too. Mana should be free now, and I think that she'd like to play with us, too." Heba said.

"Um, Heba. What exactly are you planning for us to do?" Yuugi asked.

"You'll see. Come on." Heba said. He grabbed his sister by the wrist and practically dragged a very startled Yuugi out of his room.

* * * * *

Yami and Atemu had joined Seth, Mahado, Isis, and the other priests in the throne room with Aknankanon and Amara.

"We need to discuss the arrangements for the ball." Aknankanon said.

Yami and Atemu both groaned inwardly. Neither one had much to do with planning the balls, but had to be at the meetings as a formality.

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