Too Far

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Yuugi and Yami walked out in the gardens late at night.

"You know that most of the people in the palace are in bed by now." Yuugi said.

"I know, Yuugi, but I like spending time with you, and I would rather spend time with you than go to bed." Yami said.

"And what will happen if you fall asleep in the middle of a meeting?" Yuugi asked.

"I'll probably get chewed out by Father." Yami replied.

"Yami, you really need to go to bed so that you don't get into trouble." Yuugi told him.

Yami groaned. "Fine." Yami said grudgingly.

Yuugi smiled and leaned up to kiss Yami on the lips. "We'll spend time together tomorrow when you get time. I promise." Yuugi assured him.

Yami smiled and leaned down to kiss Yuugi again. "All right, and I'll hold you to that, Yuugi." Yami said.

Yuugi nodded.

The two went back into the palace and went to their respective rooms.

* * * * * 

After Yami was ready for bed, he sat down on the side of the bed. He let out a sigh before he reached over to the stand beside the bed and opened it. He took out a small, brown bag and opened the bag, taking out a small ring with a crimson jewel on it. He smiled.

"If everything goes according to plan, I'll ask Yuugi to marry me tomorrow." Yami said.

He had been planning for a few weeks to ask Yuugi to marry him, and he had finally decided that he would ask her.

Yami put the ring back in the bag and put the bag back in the drawer. He lay down to go to bed.

* * * * * 

Yuugi had got into her nightgown and sat down on her bed. She picked up her diary and opened it, starting to write in it.

Day 250

Today wasn't that bad of a day. Yami and I spent a lot of the day together. Unfortunately, the few hours that we weren't together resulted in Heba, Jou, and Malik playing another one of their childish pranks on me, and it really got me angry. They are trying my patience. Anyway, Isis is about five months pregnant now, and everyone in the palace is anxiously awaiting the arrival of hers and Mahado's baby. I talked to Isis, and she told me that she doesn't care if the baby is a boy or a girl. All she wants is for the baby to be happy. Yami and I just got back into the palace after a nice walk in the garden. I pretty much had to force Yami to come back in because he didn't really want to leave me. I like how sweet he is to me, but for the past few weeks, he's seemed a little distant. We haven't spent as much time together. In fact, today was the first day in the last few weeks that we actually spent the entire day together. I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to wonder if maybe the novice of the relationship has worn off, and Yami's ready to find someone else. I hate feeling that kind of doubt, but I can't help it. I just hope that things work out, and that Yami will tell me if he has found someone else, so that I don't try and trick myself into thinking that there is something there that isn't. I'll just have to wait and find out.

Yuugi sighed as she closed her diary and put it away. She looked outside and said, "I don't know what's going on with Yami, but I hope that he tells me something soon."

Yuugi lay down to try and go to sleep.

* * * * *  

The next day, Yuugi was walking aimlessly through the palace since she knew that Yami and the others were in a meeting.

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