Seth and Jou's Wedding

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"You want to go ahead and have your wedding to Jou, Seth?" Aknankanon asked.

"Yes. I do. I have been with him for as long as Atemu has been with Heba, and in all honesty, I wanted to marry Jou when I first saw him, but at the time, I couldn't. I'd like to now." Seth explained.

"If that is what you wish, then I will not stop you. The wedding will be a month from now. I will let the council and other priests know, although I am certain that everyone will know when Jou finds out." Aknankanon said.

Seth blinked. "What do you mean?" Seth asked.

"Seth, I am may be old, but I am not stupid. Jou cannot keep a secret to save his life, especially when it is something that makes him excited. The moment that Jou learns that your wedding will be in one month, he will be telling everyone that he comes across." Aknankanon explained.

"I see you noticed." Seth said.

"That is a trait about Jou that becomes apparent within a few days of knowing him." Aknankanon answered.

"Yes. It is. If you will excuse me, Pharaoh, I believe that I will go tell Jou of this now." Seth said before he laughed.

Aknankanon shook his head as he walked into his room.

"Something wrong, Aknankanon?" Amara asked, noticing that her husband was shaking his head.

"No. Nothing is wrong. There will just be another wedding next month." Aknankanon answered.

"Another wedding? Whose?" Amara asked.

"Seth asked me if he could go ahead and have his wedding to Jou. I believe that he wants to get married as soon as possible." Aknankanon answered, sitting down on the bed beside his wife.

"Then the entire palace will know by breakfast time that Jou and Seth will be getting married." Amara said.

Aknankanon chuckled. "Seth was surprised that I had noticed Jou's inability to keep a secret." Aknankanon said.

"That is something that a person notices right away along with Jou's tendency to speak his mind and say what he thinks about an issue, regardless of who is around when he says it." Amara said.

"Yes. The perfect match for Seth since Seth liked to argue and Jou's perfect for that." Aknankanon said.

Amara laughed. "Indeed he is." Amara agreed.

* * * * * 


Seth winced at the volume that Jou's voice had risen to. "Yes, puppy. We are." Seth said.

"All right! I can't wait. I have to tell Yuugi, Heba, Ryou, and Malik now." Jou said, getting up and heading for the door.

Seth grabbed Jou by his arm and pulled him back. "Puppy, it's late, and I am sure that your cousins do not want to be disturbed at this time. Besides, as loud as you yelled, I am sure that at least half the palace knows by now." Seth said.

Jou pouted. "I really wanted to tell them, Seth." Jou whined.

"I know, puppy, but it can wait until the morning unless they come by here." Seth said.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

"If that is your cousins, I swear that I am going to become a fortuneteller." Seth muttered as he walked to the door.

Seth opened the door and, sure enough, Yuugi, Ryou, Malik, and Heba were at the door along with Atemu, Yami, Bakura, and Marik.

Jou suddenly burst out laughing.

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