The Wedding Ball

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Yami groaned as he walked down the hall.

The guests had started to arrive for his and Yuugi's wedding since the ball would be the next night.

'I cannot believe that it is happening already. I thought that it would have stopped by now.' Yami thought, beyond irritated.

"Yami, something bothering you?" Atemu asked as he joined his brother.

"Yes, something is bothering me! All of these women that are still throwing themselves at me when they are here to witness my wedding!" Yami snapped.

"Oh. That. Yami, you knew that it wouldn't stop until after you are married. They believe that until the wedding ceremony itself, they still have a chance to change your mind, so they'll try hard." Atemu said.

Yami glared at his brother. "I still hate this. I wish that they would realize that I have no interest in them, and that I do not plan on betraying Yuugi in any way, so they need to back off." Yami growled.

"Look at it this way, Yami. You and Yuugi are getting married in the morning, so it will all most definitely stop then." Atemu said.

"I will be very happy when that does happen because I am sick and tired of this." Yami said, irritated.

Atemu shook his head. 'If one more girl comes onto Yami, I have a feeling that he is going to explode and kill someone, and that someone will probably be the girl that thinks she can convince him to marry her instead of Yuugi.' Atemu thought.

"Prince Yami." a sickeningly sweet female voice called.

Yami stopped and tensed. "I swear that she's going to die if she says one word." Yami muttered.

"Calm down, Yami. She can't force you to marry her, so just tell her that you won't change your mind." Atemu said,

"You're bailing on me, aren't you?" Yami asked.

"Yes. I really don't want to be a witness to a murder." Atemu replied before he walked off, leaving Yami alone to deal with his stalker.

Yami turned to look at the blue-haired princess. Yami recognized her as one that had been after him for years.

"Hello, Prince Yami." the girl said in the same revoltingly sweet voice.

"Hello, Princess Drusilla. Is there something that I can do for you?" Yami asked in a calm voice. On the inside, he was boiling with anger.

Drusilla smiled at him and said, "I was wondering if you would take a walk with me in your lovely gardens." She tried to seem innocent, but Yami knew better.

"No, Princess. I am afraid that I do nor want to." Yami said.

"Why not? Surely you can spare a few minutes to walk with me." Drusilla said, smiling sexily.

"Princess, the only person I will walk through the gardens with is my fiancé, and I would prefer it if you would leave me be." Yami said.

Drusilla's face fell. "Why would you rather marry that girl than me?" Drusilla demanded.

"One, she doesn't try to demand anything from when she knows that I can have you punished for such acts." Yami said, glaring.

Drusilla paled as she realized that she had overstepped her bounds.

"Also, she does not want me merely for the power and title or for my body. She loves me for who I am, not what I can do for her." Yami stated.

"What makes you think that I would be like that?" Drusilla asked.

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