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   I love Sherlock

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I love Sherlock. There. I said it.

I sat there gaping at the screen as the man kept drawing unfathomable conclusions to seemingly impossible cases. How does one manage to think up the impossible as if it was as simple as coming up with a menu for dinner. Well leave it upto me, and I wouldn't even be able to do that!
Somehow Zach found my fascination quite funny because I heard him chuckle at my jaw dropped state. I reluctantly peeled my eyes away from the screen and looked at Zach. He was impressed alright, but not nearly as much as me.


"You seem impressed!"

"Because i am! These plot twists are crazy!"

Zach seemed unconvinced, a slight frown on his face.

"I don't know. This seems a little far fetched. I liked the previous seasons better."

"Well okay. I liked it though..."

At this Zach only stared at me. I ignored his gaze focusing on the end scroll but soon enough got fidgety. It made me very very uncomfortable when someone looked at me for longer than a few seconds.


"You're really not going to argue?"

I simply shrugged. We both continued staring at the screen not knowing what to do. Maybe I should've debated just for the sake of it. Would've spared us this awkward silence. I sneaked a glance at him. Maybe that was his intention to begin with. He did seem super engrossed in the show, now that I think about it.

"Ummm..." I started but soon realized i can't really improvise.

"Would you like something to eat? Or drink?"

I nodded maybe a little to eagerly. But I wasn't going to miss this chance. Even he seemed a little relieved when I said yes. He got up and went into the kitchen and I sighed. I didn't know how to act when you are left alone with a guy, let alone the one you have a crush on. Sure Aaron was a guy and I hung out with him a lot, but he was a different case. We had been friends since middle school and it kind of came easily with him. I really did not like Zach's friends right now. Even though it should've been a great opportunity to spend time alone with him, I wasn't prepared and it just blew! A little warning would've been nice. Am I supposed to hang around? Am I supposed to leave? What's the normal protocol for such situations?

Zach strolled back in with cola and chips and set them on the coffee table in front of us. I picked up a can and started sipping on the cool liquid.

"You look nice today. That dress suits you..."

Whaaaa! How am I supposed to react to that! I barely managed to gulp down the cola I had sipped. I pulled at the hem of my dress. My face was getting increasingly warmer by the second.

"Um.. yeah t-thanks. You too!"

"Oh no I don't wear dresses!"

He laughed and I was positive I was going to die! Of embarrassment, giddiness or elation I couldn't tell. We fell silent again.

"I meant you look nice too. Like pretty much always. But also today."

I could not believe what I had just said. Where was the rational part of my brain when I so damn needed it! This could not end well...


Well romance isn't really my genre. But after reading a little too many of those I decided to take it up as a challenge. Let's see where this leads. Until then so long!

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