I. X-Men, X-Mission, X-Boyfriend

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Are you happy now, my love?

White rose petals flutter around her silky-soft brown feet. The softness of its skin brushing against hers. She digs her fingers into the slightly damp grass as he again thrusts inside her, sending electric shockwaves coursing through her body. She arches her back lifting slightly off of the ground. She feels his massive, strong hand wrap around her small waist while the other grips tightly at her hip. Another thrust and she moans a poetic melody that sings to his heart. His intense blue eyes roam her moonlit face twisted with ecstasy.

Her eyes flutter open, her brown orbs now completely white as the wind around them starts to pick up. Green leaves and white rose petals encircle them. Thor gently leans down to his lover, his electrifying blue eyes never leaving hers as his pink lips seek out the soft flesh on her neck. Breast to chest, he moans loudly in unison with the thunder now booming to the rhythm of their love. He grabs her hips and thrusts again, biting gently on her shoulder leaving his mark of ownership. White and blue lightening course through both of their bodies as they both scream out in melodious ecstasy.

My love?

Storms eyes slowly fade to brown as she stares at her lover whose eyes never left her throughout her climax.

"I love you, Ororo." He runs his massive fingers through her long curly silver-white hair and leans down to kiss her.

Come back to me my love.

Storm looks at him, confusion setting in her eyes.

Come back to me.

Ororo's eyes pop open to the sound of pounding fists on her door. She slowly sits up rubbing her face. She glances outside her window to see a raging thunderstorm outside.


"'Ro!!" More banging on her door. She swung her long legs out of bed, slipping her feet into her slippers. She pulled her silk robe around her body, tying the belt around her waist as she headed towards the door.

"'Ro!!" The voice boomed again with more loud banging on her door.

"I'm here! Jeez, Logan!" she said abruptly opening the door. She stared at the rugged hairy man in front of her.

"Dammit, 'Ro. I thought you were dead or somethin'. You, alright?" he asked eyeing her.

"I'm fine," she said pulling her robe tighter.

"Mhm. Is this your doing? Or that big jackass in the sky?" He said referring to the thunderstorm.

"It's not me this time, I swear," she said defensively.

"Well, can you tell him to stop?" came a small voice. Ororo turned to see Kitty standing halfway through the doorway of her room. "He's scaring the kids. I know it's supposed to rain every now and then but this is ridiculous."

"She's right," Logan said his eyes not leaving Ororo's form.

"Since when did I become the Son of Asgard's babysitter," she huffed.

"Since two of the most powerful beings broke up leaving the rest of us to be victims of emotional tantrums. Listen... at least talk to him," Logan said stepping closer to her.

"There's nothing to talk about," Ororo said turning her head away and crossing her arms.

"Now you know just as well as I do, 'Ro, that that just ain't true," Logan said.

"Ugh, Logan..."

"Please, Storm?" Kitty called out.

"Sigh... Fine."

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