IX. Mischief Managed

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"Crazy ass weather... 20 bucks says it's those two love birds having another argument," Tony said as he tapped away on the device on his wrist. "Remember when they first broke up? Had to declare a damn state of emergency off the gulf of California."

Steve sighed as he thought back to the typhoon that nearly destroyed half of San Diego. He furrowed his brow feeling more worried over her absence. He needed to see her.

"I'm going to go look for her- I mean... them...," he said finally.

Tony quirked a curious brow at his initial slip up. "She's a big girl, Rogers. I'm sure she can handle the god of Thunder all on her own...," he said suggestively.

Steve shook his head annoyed. "That's not what I-... nevermind."

He started to head off in the other direction when he heard footsteps. He looked up to see Thor storming towards them with fury in his eyes.

"Thor...?" Steve asked hesitantly. "Are you alright?"

"He's fine. Just being a bit of a child if you ask me," came Ororo's voice as she descended from the sky landing next to Steve.

His face immediately softened when he set his blue eyes on her.

"Hey," she said smiling at him.

"Hey..." he blushed back.

Ororo felt Steve's eyes lingering on her a little too long when she caught Thor watching her as well with curious and impatient repressed rage.

She coughed trying to clear her throat as she stepped away from both men towards Tony.

"Tony, were you at least able to find the source of the gamma radiation and the cosmic energy?" she asked.

"Actually, I did. It's not too far from our current coordinates- I'm sorry, did you just call Thor a child?" Tony said. "Because I swear if I had called him the same thing then he would have smashed his hammer right into my fa-"

"Can we please stay on track," she said sternly cutting him off.

"Testy testy... very well. Follow me," he said leading them through the forest.

"Coordinates are locked. We can trace back to Bruce, cork up that pesky gamma radiation, control the cosmic energy, aaaaaaaand... still make it home in time for dinner which is great because I'm starving."

"Wait, we can't just leave," Ororo said stopping. They all looked at her inquisitively.

"The child!"

"What child?"

"Steve and I heard a child screaming. We ran into those creatures because we were trying to find them."

"She's right. That's the whole reason we came out here. We can't leave without finding that kid, Tony. They could be in trouble," Steve told him.

Tony groaned as they neared Bruce's location.

"When did this turn from a rescue mission into a babysitting service?"

Ororo looked at him annoyed.

"It's just one child. That doesn't make this a babysitt-... oh no..." Ororo stopped short when she caught sight of Loki leaning against a tree while Bruce worked a screwdriver into a device sticking out of the translucent portal door.

"As if one Asgardian prince wasn't enough...," she groaned.

"Well if it isn't the weather witch herself," Loki grinned. "The last time I saw you, you used a cyclone to hurl my brother across the ocean in a fit of rage."

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