XI. Gods Among Us

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A/N: Really getting into the meat of this story! Had fun writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy!


"Did you really think you could evade us so easily, Loki!"

Thor angrily pushed his brother in front of him.

"Evade you? If I remember correctly, your little weather witch ran away from me. So really... who was trying to evade who?" Loki mocked.

"I'm sure you contributed to that in some way, shape or form," Tony said walking on the other side of him. "Not like you're a good walking buddy."

Loki sneered. "You brought this arrogant feeble cretin with you? As if I haven't suffered enough of his dimwitted banter."

"I believe the term you're looking for is genius. Arrogant, sometimes feeble... depending on how much I've had to drink...genius," Tony corrected him.

"Where's your 'righteous' friend? Mr. Red, White and Blue? Surely you didn't leave him alone with her again now, did you brother?"

Thor glanced at Loki with a disapproving glare.

"Ororo is none of your concern. I should never have let you out of my sight," Thor said annoyed.

"Rather it's her you should not have let out of your sight," Loki smirked.

Tony glanced at Loki catching on to his game before speeding up towards Thor and whispering in his ear.

"I know my word usually doesn't mean shit to you, but... he's clearly trying to rile you up. Get you to unleash all that... unmitigated godly power. For the sake of us little people who prefer not to be collateral damage in your immortal sibling rivalry... do us all a favor and ignore him."

"I need not your counsel in how to handle my brother, Stark. I will not fall prey to his foolish mind games," Thor said waving him off.

"If you insist..." Tony said as he looked around. "We should be nearing the others but... I'm going to check how far out we are so I can estimate just how much more crap we have to listen to from Judas Iscariot over here."

He set off his boosters and immediately took off into the sky.

"You trust these mortals far too much, brother... especially that... Captain Rogers," Loki smirked.

"I will have your silence now, Loki," Thor said coldly.

"I thought you came to win her back..." Loki continued.

"Ororo is mine. She never stopped being mine. Thus I do not need to 'win her back'. I need only remind her that she belongs to me," Thor said.

"You might find that task rather difficult since you've driven her into the arms of another man..."

Thor merely glared at Loki refusing to entertain his taunting any further.

"You crave her, don't you? ... I see it. Her absence torments you. Her unwillingness to submit to you is tearing you apart," Loki smirked. "I always liked that about her. A woman who can bring even the god of Thunder to his knees is a powerful woman indeed."

Loki could sense Thor tensing up and it brought a mischievous smirk to his face.

"You know we spoke, she and I... earlier... about you..."

Thor glanced at Loki for two seconds before turning his eye back to their path.

"She still gets aroused at the mention of your name. What an effect you have on her, brother," he teased.

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