X. Missing Pieces

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"Hey! Wait!"

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"Hey! Wait!"

Ororo jumped through several thickets as she chased after the little girl. She barely recognized that the forest grew denser. The trees became taller, the leaves greener, the grass softer beneath her feet.

She stopped to catch her breath and looked around anxiously for her.

"Dammit!" she said frustrated as she breathed heavily.

She stood up straight and looked around trying to take in her surroundings as she slowly came to the realization... that she had no idea where she was.

"Not... one of my brightest ideas... I can hear Charles now 'proactive! not reactive, Ororo,'" she sighed shaking her head.

"It's okay... I'll just retrace my steps..."

She looked around and realized she could barely see the sky because of the height of the trees.

"Crap..." She started to wander in a specific direction when she heard a noise rustling in the bushes.

She glanced to the side and saw a small brown foot nestled in a tuft of grass. Soon after a tiny hand grabbed onto the leaves and the little girl's head poked out and looked at Ororo.


The little girl immediately shrunk back hiding back behind the bush.

"No, wait! It's okay... I won't hurt you," Ororo said as she cautiously approached the girl.

The little girl poked her head back out and eyed Ororo warily.

"Don't worry... I'm friendly," Ororo said smiling as she knelt in front of her. She looked into the little girl's large fearful brown eyes.

"My name is Ororo... What's yours?" She held out her hand to her as an invitation.

The little girl slowly stepped out from the bush hesitant to touch Ororo's hand. Ororo took in the small girl's attire. She wore what looked like a potato sack tied around her small frail body to take on that of a dress. She had dirt lightly dusted on her face and her hair had leaves. She looked like she was either lost for a while or abandoned altogether.

The little girl hesitated as she reached for Ororo's hand.

Before she could grab on, the ground started to rumble beneath them right before one of the large wormlike creatures broke through the ground. Ororo immediately grabbed the girl wrapping her in her arms as she flew backwards away from the creature.

She held the small girl's trembling body close to her as the creature immediately charged at them. Ororo's eyes flamed white as she called upon the lightning to strike the creature as she used a whirling wind to fly backward out of its way. But the creature was fast and quickly maneuvered avoiding her lightning strikes.

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