VIII. The Rescue?

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"On your left!" Storm shouted to Cap as he dodged the attack of another creature following close behind him.

Cap used his shield to tuck and roll before being ambushed by 4 of them at once. Another came up out of the ground and wrapped itself tightly around him.

"HANDS OFF!" Storm shouted as she struck the creature with lightning being careful to avoid touching Cap. He quickly leaped out of its grasp as it crumbled to the ground smoking.

"Your lightning is doing more damage to them than before!" Cap shouted from below as he dodged the other creatures charging towards him.

"I don't know why. But I'm not complaining. Let's use that to our advantage!" Storm growled as her lightning struck 4 creatures on either side of him.

She flew down to meet him by a tree that he leaned on while he stopped to catch his breath.

"Are you okay," she breathed heavily coming to his side.

"There's more of those things coming. And fast," he said looking up at her. She looked behind him to see a few more creatures headed towards them.

"5... maybe 6..." she said counting them.

He looked upon her face as she stayed focus on the creatures headed their way.

"Do you want to fall back?" he asked her.

She glanced back at him and frowned. "There's a child in need of our help. We can do this. We can take them."

He grinned at her, in awe of her willpower to continue. He wrapped an arm around her waist and quickly pulled her to him, flushing her body against his.

"Steve!" she squealed surprised by his grabbing her. Way more assertive than he was the first time around. 

"Is this the adrenaline?" she teased him. She looked into his eyes and saw admiration, want... and...

"I might be falling for you," he said to her suddenly.

Ororo's brown eyes became as big as saucers. The creatures suddenly roared loudly making their presence known.

"You have great timing!" she shouted at him as the creatures screeched, coming closer.

He smirked and pressed his lips firmly against hers. He wrapped his hand around the base of her neck and pulled her in. His tongue coercing her lips open before eagerly attacking her own.

Ororo pulled away from him feeling nearly dizzy from the passion in his kiss.

"I just wanted you to know," he said letting her go finally.

She gazed back at him with emotion-filled eyes, her lips parted slightly unsure of what to say. Until she glanced behind him and her eyes lit up as she quickly lifted into the air, calling the winds to her command.

"Can't you guys see we're having a moment!" she shouted as she lifted her hands and blew a strong wind against two creatures right before they attacked.

Cap leaped out of the way landing on a tree branch. He scoured the area and eyed two more creatures coming.

"I've got the one on the left," he shouted up at her. He immediately leaped from tree to tree with inhuman speed using his legs to leverage each branch before soaring into one of the creatures, using the shield to smash into the crevice between the head and the neck. He lifted his arm and flexed all his muscles and yelled as he rammed the shield once more into the crevice, severing the creature's head from its body.

Storm watched as Cap flipped backward to get out of the decapitated creature's line of fall.

"Show off," she smirked as she flew above him. Cap looked up and watched as Storm lit up the sky and channeled all of the lightning into the creature till it blackened and fell to the ground in an ashen heap.

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