XIV. Sacrificing Control

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A/N: This is a fairly long chapter involving several Avengers and X-Men. I write stories like I watch movies: scene by scene. So I hope you guys can keep up and enjoy ☺️


Dark Storm

Dark Storm

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Ororo had been staring at Ki-ko's lifeless body for hours. She had cried all of her tears. The storm raging in the sky above reflecting the darkness she felt in her heart.

She watched as Kia silently embalmed her daughter's body with the assistance of the other women.

They buried the little girl in the heart of their village, along with their hope and joy.

The air was thick with sorrow and the rains hadn't ceased.

Kia walked up to Ororo and tried to muster a small smile of her gratitude, but the tears that fell from her eyes gave her away.

"Thank you... Orisha..."

Ororo didn't know why this woman was thanking her. She felt it was her fault that Ki-ko was killed in the first place. If she had done away with Paibok in the first place like she wanted, then Ki-ko would still be alive.

She could hear the shuffling of feet as everyone dispersed.


Ororo felt a hand on her shoulder but she didn't look away from Kia who slowly walked back to her hut with a limp in her step from her broken heart.

"'Ro," Steve said again.

She looked at him and he was immediately taken back by the look in her eyes.

There was nothing.

"Yes, Steve," she said with no intonation in her voice.

"Do you-... maybe we should talk..."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"I mean about Paibok."

She looked up at him confused.

"I killed him," she said finitely. "Is that a problem?"

"Yea, 'Ro. It kinda is..." Steve said rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. He was completely put off by how distant she had made herself. But he understood why considering the circumstances.

"And why? He killed Ki-ko. Death was more than he deserved. At what point do we say enough is enough? I will not apologize for my actions. Him and his kind are everything that is wrong with our world."

"'His kind'?" Steve said confused. "'Ro, this isn't like you..."

Ororo turned to face him fully before she squinted her eyes, peering into his gaze.

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