Epilogue - The Captain's Heart

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Steve Rogers

Steve Rogers

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The raging storm slowly died down as the hard rain turned to a soft pitter patter.

Steve's eyes widened as he watched Ororo's body plummet and plunge into a large body of water. He ran as fast as he could and jumped head first into the water as he swam out to meet her.

Diving deeper, he frantically searched the water until he saw her body floating. He quickly reached for her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her up and swam back to land.

Steve placed her body on the ground and immediately scrambled on top of her as he tried to give her CPR.

"Come on, 'Ro! Come on!" he said anxiously as he put pressure on her chest trying to resuscitate her.

Tried as he may, there was no sign of life, no breathing coming from her body.

"Please, 'Ro. Please come back to me. Please," he pleaded before he put his mouth to hers, blowing oxygen into her lungs.

She immediately spit out water as she struggled to catch her breath.

Her eyes fluttered open for just a moment to look at him before she passed out again.

He shifted his arms underneath her back and knees as he picked her up, her comatose body dangled helplessly in his arms. His forehead creased with concern as he looked at her with sadness, desperation and love.  


Steve looked up to see Thor descending from the sky. His red cape flurried around him as his toes touched down to the ground. He immediately ran next to Steve's side and looked down at her with deep concern. He put his fingers to her neck to check her pulse.

"She is still alive," Thor said relieved. He looked at Steve. "Thank you, Captain Rogers."

"Of course, Thor..." Steve said.

"We should take her back to the Avengers tower. She needs medical attention," Steve said looking her over.

"She is better off in Asgard. Our magic and technology would help with a quick recovery," Thor said.

"We appreciate your help. Both of you. But Ororo will be under the care and protection of her fellow X-Men," Jean said descending from the sky with Angel and Iceman. "We'll send more X-Men to come clean up here."

Angel held out his arms to take Ororo's body from Steve, but Steve hesitated not wanting to let her go.

"Rogers..." Tony said with warning. Tony nudged with his head for Steve to hand her over.

Steve sighed as he reluctantly placed Ororo in Angel's arms.

"Don't worry... we will take good care of her," Jean said smiling at Steve.

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