VI. Back on Asgard

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Menacing dark red eyes followed the hammer-wielding warrior who paced the icy platform

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Menacing dark red eyes followed the hammer-wielding warrior who paced the icy platform. The frost giants stood staggered: watching, waiting as they looked to their leader for a signal to attack the repeat intruder of their world.

"...Your presence is not welcomed here...Thor... Son of Odin...Leave now... while I still allow your life to be spared..." Laufey's voice was a dark low rumble that rattled the rocks of ice on the ground.

Thor glanced about him, quickly counting how many frost giants were in his path in the event of an all out brawl.

Thor smirked at his threat.
"Had I come with the intent to fight I would have brought more."

Laufey curled his blue lips into a menacing grin. "Tread carefully... Little Prince."

Thor looked Laufey in the eye.

"King Laufey!" Thor boomed authoritatively. "I come not to combat you... but rather on behalf of my brother," Thor said cautiously tightening his grasp on his hammer at his side.

Laufey's red eyes widened angrily as he locked onto Thor's pacing form.

Thor's head rose as he watched the large blue frost giant king stand from his large throne of ice.


"Yes," Thor responded as he stopped pacing. "He-... I cannot find him."

Laufey sneered. "And you think he came... here? To Jotunheim? To his dear loving father?" he mocked.

Thor frowned trying to gather his thoughts. "Loki is not himself. More frequently he takes on his Jotunheim form when before it seemed to be something he despised. He wreaks havoc on Midgard and all other realms."

"You can thank your wretched father and the lies he spewed to poison and corrupt his mind for that," Laufey spat. "The boy does not want to know what he truly is. Your father's hate made sure of that."

Thor glanced sideways. The feud between Laufey and his father was something that always troubled him because of the effect it would have on Loki.

"King Laufey... I am.... I am trying to help him. I understand why you and my father fought. Your quarreling and history runs deep. But I can assure you... I am not my father. And for the sake of my brother, I seek only peace. With you and your people. I-"

"Peace?! You came here for peace?!" Laufey threw his head back in laughter, a loud rumble permeating the thickened cold atmosphere. "Oh no, Son of Odin. You came die."

Thor had not a second to respond before the surrounding frost giants towered over and charged at him. He swung his hammer left and right sending frost giants staggering backward from the sheer force of his powerful swing as ice sprayed around him. As a few more charged at him he whipped his hammer around at high speed around him before he took off into the sky knocking frost giants out as he traveled.

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