XIII. Orisha, The Goddess

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Storm's Vision

Storm's Vision

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"It was awful... there were bodies... everywhere. It was apocalyptic."

Ororo shook her head as she recounted the images in her head of the terrifying vision she had.

"And that scream... I've never sensed so much fear in the scream of a child..."

"Well you don't seem to have sustained any injuries," Bruce said looking her over as she lay down in a thicket of grass. "It must have been a doozy for it to knock you out like that."

"Was it a vision from Ki-ko?" Steve asked.

"I don't know..." Ororo muttered. "What I do know... is that it has Paibok's name written all over it. Only he could conjure up something so evil and malicious. He must be stopped before he can lay waste to these people and their home."

She quickly got up before Tony stood in her path.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he said with his hands up. "If there's anything we know about the Super-Skrull is that he's cunning and ruthless. I mean the guy can freaking shape-shift. He also has the power of hypnosis! There's got to be a reason why he's targeting these people. Ororo, can you think of anything out of the ordinary from your last encounter with him?"

"Honestly no..." she frowned. "But I don't want to dwell on that. We need to find him and stop him before this vision I had comes to pass. We cannot allow him to claim anymore lives."

Steve looked on with concern as she quickly got up and walked away from them.

"Is it just me... or is she taking this a little... personally?" Tony said eyeing her.

"It must have been some vision..." Bruce sighed. "And if its as bad as she says it is, then we have to stop him immediately. I have an idea that if we lure him back to our dimension, we can call in backup and restrain him before he can cause anymore harm."

"That's risky, Banner. Do we really want a guy like that in our dimension?" Tony asked.

"These people have suffered enough as is," Steve cut in. "Bruce is on to something. This dimension is still very unknown to us. At least in ours, we have the advantage."

Tony sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "2 in favor of taking the fight back to our dimension. 1 against. Thor? What say you?"

Thor was too distracted watching Ororo walk away to pay any attention to what they were saying. He saw her saunter off in the direction where Loki was being held and immediately walked after her.

"Okay... thanks for your input, Prince of Asgard. Really appreciate it," Tony snarked with a sarcastic salute.


"Come to keep me company?" Loki smirked as Ororo approached him. "Or did you get bored with my brother already? You should have let him pound that insignificant insect into the ground. Would be about the only amusement I've had all day."

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