V. Stuck on the Other Side

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Ororo could hear the sound of explosions all around her. Her eyes were closed but she felt she could see everything just by what she heard. The hard ground underneath her, dusted her skin with dirt.

Ororo! Ororo wake up!

"Huh...What's... happening?" she groaned feeling dazed as she struggled to open her eyes.


"Watch out!" She heard Steve shout as he jumped on top of her and shielded them both from the rain of rocks and gravel that poured down on them from above.

She was fully awake now as she sat up face to face with Captain America himself. His blue eyes locked with hers, she got lost. She nearly forgot where she was.

"Are you alright?!" he shouted as another explosion went off.

"What?" she said still feeling disoriented.

"Those things are on both sides of the wall. That hole Tony made has already closed back up. We have no way back out. We have to get out of their line of sight!" he shouted over the loud explosions. "Come on!"

He stood up and held his hand out to her pulling her to her feet.

"Follow me!" he ordered without waiting for a response.

Ororo quickly followed him on a path that was unfamiliar to her. She looked around and saw nothing but trees, large boulders, and a forest floor carpeted with thick grass.

"Where are we?" she asked as they kept running.

"I've been trying to figure that out," he shouted back at her. "But it sure isn't New England!"

Ororo could hear the angry roar of the creatures following them very closely from behind.

"We can't go on like this!" she shouted in exasperation as she lifted herself into the air. Steve stopped and turned around to watch her fly up as huge storm clouds quickly gathered in the sky.

"Ororo, wait!" he shouted. The creature lunged for her just as she struck it with a mighty lightning clap. But it had already made contact with her body sending her flying to the ground.

She landed in a thick tuft of grass.

Steve ran over to her laying on the ground as she quickly tried to get up.

"I'm okay," she said before he could ask. "I just landed badly on my foot I think," she said wincing.

"Well your lightning definitely knocked it out. But we need to disappear before that thing gets back up," he said looking over his shoulder.

He turned to look her over and thought to himself before hesitating to ask.

"I- do you mind if I?" he asked apprehensively.

"No, not at all," she said. No sooner that she answered did he put his shield on his back and place a hand under her knees and behind her back that he was lifting her into his arms.

He ran quickly before the creature had time to get back up again.

Ororo had her hands cautiously wrapped around his neck as he swiftly sprinted through this unknown forest. She kept her eyes on the curvature of his Adam's apple, daring not to look him in the eye.

Steve's mind was racing at a million thoughts a minute. He had no idea where they were or how they were going to get back. Would Tony know how to find them? Where was that gamma radiation coming from? Why does this woman smell so good?

He stopped running as he came upon a small den-like cave similar to the one they had escaped.

"We should stay here for now, at least until the creature is out of range," he said still carrying her in his arms. Ororo looked around at the cave and frowned as the reality of their situation started to sit in.

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