VII. Making Connections

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"This way! Come come,  Orisha! This way!"

Ororo looked down to see a small and frail child holding her hand. She tugged and pulled forcing Ororo to follow after her.

"Come quick! Quick this way, Orisha! Hurry!"

"Where are you taking me? Where are we going?" Ororo asked confused.

"Quick! Orisha, please hurry!" the tiny child cried out. Ororo looked ahead of her to see a bright light.

"What's going on? I don't understand!"

As they neared the bright light, the tiny child was immediately stripped away from her flying high into the sky towards the light's apex.

"ORISHAAA!" the child cried out in desperation as she was whipped out of Ororo's hand.

"NO!!!" Ororo screamed. Her eyes shined a bright flame as she growled taking off into the air consumed by the bright light that had just stolen the child from her grasp.

"NO!" Ororo shot up awake panting heavily.

"Hey! Hey... it's alright?"

She looked around trying to come to as she felt a comforting hand grasp her sweaty shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

She glanced up to see Steve crouched over her, a worrisome look in his baby blues.

"Yea... yea I'm fine," she said sitting up finally. "Just a weird dream... I think... Been having a lot of them lately."

She felt the soft grass beneath her and looked up at the star-filled night sky as she remembered her situation. She and Steve had been roaming this foreign place that neither of them could identify for a while after they had escaped the cave, anxiously looking for the way out.

"I'm glad you got some rest... you looked like you needed it," Steve said helping her up.

"Oh jeez thanks, Steve, that's exactly what a woman wants to hear," she said flatly.

"I didn't mean it like that!" He said quickly. "I just meant... you seem... burdened..."

She glanced at him and gave him a sad smile. "That's one way of putting it..."

Steve frowned at her. "Do you want to talk about it?"

Ororo fixed her long silver hair into a high ponytail. "That's kind of you, Steve, but I don't want to unload my problems onto you."

"I don't mind... really..." he said entranced watching her simple movements.

She looked over at him and smirked. "Maybe another time. We should keep moving. Did you get any rest?"

"A bit...," he said taking the lead up a thick grassy path. "I preferred watching over you..."

He heard her softly chuckle and it made it his heart flutter. "You're such a do-goody," she teased.

He quickly glanced at her and saw a deep red tint in her cheeks.

The chirping of crickets was loud as the stars in the sky shined brighter than usual.

"This place feels so different. It's kind of weird. Even as I call the elements to my will... it feels as if I'm speaking an unknown language," she said walking alongside Steve as she casually danced leaves around their feet with a soft wind.

"I know what you mean. I tried using one of Tony's gadgets to get a read on where we are but... nothing... Let's hope they're having better luck than we are," he said keeping his eyes ahead of him.

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