IV. Attack on the Titans

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"On my signal, Storm, you and Bruce approach the cave from the right. Vision and I will sneak around the back from the left. Once Hulk has made a diversion capturing the creatures' attention, Vision and I will go head breaking down that. The minute the creatures are incapacitated, look for us on the far left side. If our chances play right, the wall will already be down by the time you find us and we can find the source of the gamma radiation," Steve said relaying the plan.

"Speaking of... where is Vision," Ororo said looking around.

"He couldn't make it. I'll be filling in, in the mean time," Tony said flying down in his suit.

"Tony?" Steve said looking at him surprised. "Where's Vision? You can't be here, the cosmic energy will destroy your body."

  "Aw you worried about me, Cap? It took no time building in a cosmic energy-absorbing and gamma radiation-resistant system within this suit," Tony said landing in front of them.

"But where's Vision?" Bruce asked.

"Vision's currently on a very top secret blind date set up by yours truly. Guess you'll have to settle for first best."

"He's on a date?!" Bruce said shouting.

"Trust me... it's a very very important date."

"Somewhere more important than this?" Ororo asked skeptical.

"Let's just say he's meeting with someone very... Low-Key..." 

"That was awful," Steve said.

"Yea, please don't ever make that joke again," Bruce scoffed.

"Everyone's a critic. You guys ready?" Tony said powering up his guns.

"Let's just get this over with," Ororo muttered.

Steve and Tony watched as Ororo and Bruce sprinted towards the entrance of the cave. Steve had seen Bruce turn into the hulk many times, watched Thor level an entire landscape with his hammer, and Vision phase through an entire mountain, yet he was still in awe watching Ororo ascend majestically into the sky as she called the elements to her will. Striking bright lightning flashed around her as the sky darkened. The large worm-like creatures poked their heads out of the cave in response to the drastic change in the atmosphere.

"Damn! That's attractive...," Tony said breaking Steve out of the moment. "Do you think every time we had a crazy thunderstorm it was because her and Thor were... you know... going at it like two mad super-powered rabbits?"

"What the hell, Tony?!" Steve said looking at him like he was crazy. 

"Oh sorry. I forgot that stuff is too R-rated for your little delicate eagle scout ears," Tony mocked.

"Can we please stick to the mission?!" Steve said agitated.

"Sure, sure," Tony said flying up and following Steve as they headed in the opposite direction of Storm and Bruce.

"Is the Hulk gonna come out any time soon?" Storm shouted as she struck each creature with lightning with keen precision.

"One moment!" Bruce shouted from the ground as he looked up trying to see her in the downpour of the tumultuous rain.

"Come on, you big idiot! I don't have time for your teenage drama!" Bruce yelled out loud. 

"Bruce! Watch out!" Storm screamed from in the sky. One of the creatures headed straight for him and she tried to use a tornado to move it away before it attacked him.

A large green hand stopped the creature dead in its tracks before lifting it up high in the air and smashing it to the ground. Three more creatures escaped the cave targeting Storm and Hulk. 

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