III. Captain Steve Rogers

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Steve Rogers was America's golden boy. His backstory of how he came to be America's hero was both amusingly cliche and heart-warming to Ororo. She found his patriotism to be a bit cheesy yet endearing. Logan frequently made snide remarks about the soldier anytime they caught him on the news representing the Avengers.


"Damn boy scout..." Logan sneered.

"Logan, you almost sound jealous..." Jean teased.

"What the hell do I have to be jealous about America's biggest ass-kisser?!"

"On the contrary, Logan. Captain Rogers is often America's biggest critic and is quick to speak out against abhorrent political policies. He has proven himself to be an ally to the mutant," Professor Xavier said watching Steve Rogers and Tony Stark speaking at a press conference about a recent attack.

"Damn it, not you too, Charles," Logan growled. "Am I the only one who doesn't trust these A-holes. 'Ro? At least you gotta see past the smoke and mirrors with these damn power rangers."

Ororo looked at Logan caught off guard by his question.

"Don't ask, 'Ro. Pretty sure she's dating one," Jean chuckled.

Logan looked at Ororo shocked.

"Jean!" Ororo said fuming.

"You gotta be shittin' me!" Logan said angrily.

"Don't worry, it's not Mr. Red White and Blue here. Pretty sure he's not even her type," Jean smirked earning a dirty glare from Ororo.

~end flashback~

And yet, as Ororo sat under the warm watchful gaze of America's protector, she couldn't help but feel somewhat...intrigued.

"And Cap, you're in charge of Team Alpha with Vision, Banner, and Storm. We don't know what's on the other side of that wall when it finally comes down. And if those creatures come for you again, you're going to need all the help you can get. I need you in and out," Tony said finishing up.

"Yea, yea, we got it, Tony. But the whole damn wall? Are you sure that's such a good idea? Who knows how large the opening may be after collapse. If something more dangerous than those creatures is on the other side, we won't have a way to contain it," Bruce said apprehensively.

"Banner, we already discussed this and ran the tests in the containment chamber. It's already taken care of," Tony assured him.

"No, no, you discussed this with Hulk! Not me!"

"TomAYto, TomAHto. He was supposed to relay that information to you. Aren't you guys like... besties or something?"

"Tony! I'm serious!"

"As am I. Listen, if it makes you feel better, we'll run a few more tests before you leave," Tony said patting him on the shoulder.

"Fine," Bruce said sighing. "But I'm not leaving until we've debriefed. Especially, Ms. Munroe. We can't just throw her in there without any context."

"Chill out, Brucie, that's what Cap's here for," Tony said gesturing frantically to Steve.

Steve gave him a disapproving look to which Tony put his hands together in a prayer pleading for Steve to work with him.

"Right... I've got it handled. Welcome to the team, Ms. Monroe." Steve's voice had a crisp flair to it that complemented the low baritone in his voice. It made Ororo tingle a bit.

She looked up briefly to smile at him before a loud beep interjected on the intercom.

"Sir, there's an emergency press conference at the White House requesting your presence regarding the earthquakes in New England. Nick Fury and Agent Coulson are also waiting for you on line 2 and 3," a feminine voice said through the intercom.

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