Ch. 1

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The day was so nice and the air was gentle against my face. I sat by the lake, practicing some more of my magic, increasing my knowledge. I stopped when I heard a noise, making me turn around. I smiled as I saw Morgana and I then stood up walking towards her.

"Did you send it?" I asked.

She smiled as she nodded, "Of course."

I smiled as well at her response, "Thank you."

She walked closer to me and we both took a seat by the lake. We stayed silent for a second. I listened to the song of the waters' current as it passed gracefully in front of us. The wind humming above us. I smiled at the peaceful surroundings.

"You know, I'm so proud of you to finally reach out."

I looked at Morgana and smiled at her words, "I am too. We moved away a year ago. The least I could do is finally let Gaius know I'm okay. I'm sure my mother never told him what she knew of me so." I shrugged.

It took me a month to reach out to my mom. Khilgharrah helped me get to Ealdor and I had explained everything to my mom. She urged me to move back with her but I just couldn't. I told her I needed to live my own life. I needed to get away. I made her promise not to say anything to Gaius cause I was afraid he'd tell Arthur where I was. But even then she'd keep me informed on how they were all doing. She kept me updated on Gaius and his way of living without me. She even let me in on the love happening in Camelot. I was happy to hear Gwen and Lancelot were finally together. It was the one thing I wanted for them both. But I think the best news I got was the fact that Arthur came to his senses and got rid of the Mariann's.

I looked at her in shock as I heard her words, "Seriously?"

She nodded, "He overheard her speaking to her father. Something about planning some...crime."

I felt guilt take over my emotions. What if they planned something towards Arthur? And I wasn't there to protect him? I would never forgive myself if something happened to him. Especially something I could've prevented.

"But he's safe. Do not worry."

I nodded and my mom offered me a soft smile.

And now here I was, a year later, finally reaching out to Gaius.

Finally doing something decent.

I still didn't plan to go back, not soon anyways. I had managed to start a new life of my own.

It took us a full day to get here on Khilgharrah's back, so I knew we were quite far from Camelot. We found a cave near the lake, which seemed perfect for the dragon guiding us. Morgana and I agreed on the place. It didn't take long with the use of our magic to get everything set. We build our house and even a garden. We were taking care of ourselves. We were doing good. I was doing good.

I wouldn't lie and say I didn't think about Arthur. I did, so very much. It took time to think less and less of him, but for at least 3 weeks, everything was hell. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, I couldn't even think straight.

Morgana was there to help me get through it. She supported me and did everything she could to cheer me up. I always regretted doing that to her, so every chance I could, I would do anything to thank her.

Then Khilgharrah. He'd try to convince me every day for a week to go back, but he eventually gave up, realizing I wouldn't return. So he'd take care of us as we took care of him. He would fly me over to see my mom then bring me back.

We didn't do much. We were in our own little bubble, doing our own thing and playing with magic. Both Morgana and I taught each other so many things.

Let's just say, I will no longer be a coward and use magic when I can use a sword.

There was really no necessity for that but I did always want to learn how to work a sword. So it made me happier having learned that.

The day was coming to an end. Morgana and I sat down and had dinner together.

"What did you even say to Gaius, anyways?"

I looked up at Morgana and hummed slightly, "I let him know I'm okay. That I'm doing great and that I'm here with you," I said as I reached over and took her hand in mine.

She smiled and watched me for a second, "But not where you are."

I let go of her hand and pulled mine back as I went back to eating.

"Merlin, you can't keep hiding."

"I'm not." I snapped.

I looked up at her again, "I'm not. I'm my life. I'm making my own destiny. Morgana... I can't do that with everyone pressuring me to go back."

"I am not telling you to go back. I am telling you to stop hiding. Let him know. Let him visit you. Let your friends, Lancelot, Gwen, Gwain... let them be able to see you. Let them know you're alright." she spoke gently and softly, as if afraid to upset me or like if I was something so fragile she didn't want to break.

I didn't speak and just continued on eating my food. It was a good enough sign for Morgana to drop the conversation. The rest of dinner was somewhat uncomfortable. I was annoyed and Morgana knew it, so neither one of us spoke a word.

We cleaned up after ourselves when we were done and got ready for the night.

"Have a goodnight, Merlin."

I looked at Morgana and nodded, "You too. Sleep well."

She smiled and walked off to her bedroom. She closed the door and I stayed by myself. I walked outside, deciding on some fresh air.

I sat by a tree, sighing as I listened to the night living its life. I started to think of what Morgana had said. She was right.

My friends needed an explanation. They needed answers. And they can't get any of that from anyone else but me.

I sighed, shaking my head as I continued with my thoughts. I heard and felt the heavy movements before hearing his voice.

"She's not wrong."

I nodded, "I know."

Khilgharrah sat beside me and I knew he was trying to make me go back. Only because he knows he isn't alone in this.

"Have you thought of it?"

"Not for the last 7 months. I only think of Gaius and my mom." I lied.

He chuckled softly, "For Arthur, I'd fly you back and forth. Anything to get you back together."

I couldn't help but laugh and ignore the dragon that kept asking what was so funny. I only shook my head as I didn't answer his question.

"I think I should sleep." I finally managed after all the laughing.

"Goodnight, young warlock."

"Goodnight." I smiled.

I made my way inside and sighed as I walked to my bed, stopping as I heard a sound coming from Morgana's room. I furrowed my brows and walked up to the door, hearing her whimper. I walked inside and towards her bed, sitting on the edge. Her face showing an expression of both sadness and fear. I frowned.

She was having a nightmare.

I gently grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently trying to wake her up.

"Morgana." I whispered her name.

She only cried as she tossed and turned. I shook her shoulders harder.

"Morgana. Wake up."

It took a few seconds but she soon woke up, gasping as she quickly sat up. She looked frightened.

"Morgana...are you okay?"

She looked at me and I watched as a single tear escape her eyes.

"Merlin. It's Arthur."

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