Ch. 9

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I didn't sleep much that night. I heard when Arthur showed and I wanted to go out and tell him to leave just like he told me. I ignored him instead and thought of what to do next. Arthur didn't want me around and I just tried to kill his father. I started to think of that event and I realized, I didn't care. I would had killed him if Gaius didn't stop me.

"Merlin. May I come in?"


But of course, he didn't listen. Gaius walked in and sat on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?" he asked.

I didn't look at him as I shrugged, "Nothing."

"Why did you try to kill Uther?"

"He deserves it."

There was silence in the room but I didn't look at Gaius. I just wanted to be alone.

"This isn't you, Merlin. Why are you doing this?"

"Please just...leave me alone."

With the silence taking over again, Gaius finally left. I sighed and I let my thoughts and anger invade all of me.

It wasn't a good thing. And it was all a blur by morning when I woke up. I just remember constantly reminding myself how much Uther hurt me and those I love.

I walked out of my room and saw Morgana eating breakfast with Gaius. They both looked at me but neither one of them spoke. I went and sat down having some breakfast of my own. The silence was suffocating everyone but at the same time, I didn't want to talk. I already knew what they wanted to know. I looked up at them and saw they were still watching me. I sighed.

"I'm leaving today. Morgana, I'm guessing Arthur is okay with you staying."

"He hasn't-"

"Have gave you back your room." she stayed silent as I smiled, "Good for you. You know who wants to kill him anyways, you can take it from here."

"Merlin, I need you. Please. Let's get this over with first." she pleaded.

I sighed as I ate and looked at her, "Okay, fine. We'll find him quickly."

After we finished eating we both made our way out. Morgana kept a close eye on me to make sure I didn't lose it again. I saw Gwen walking up to us but she didn't say anything. She offered a smile but I knew it wasn't real and just like that she walked past us. I stayed silent as I clenched my jaw slightly.

"She'll get over it soon. Give her time." Morgana whispered to me.

I didn't respond because I knew she's right. We heard people speaking from the council chamber. I looked at the guards.

"I wish to speak to Arthur."

"He will not be seeing you. Kings orders."

I hummed and smiled, "Of course."

One of the guards started gasping for air, falling to his knees. I knew it was Morgana's doing. I kept my smile as I looked at the other guard who was ready to put on a fight. I sent his weapon flying across the hall and put him to sleep. I then bursted the door opened as the Morgana made the guard loose conscience.

Everyone looked up at us, some people surprised, others not so happy.

"We're here to find a killer." I simply said.

"I thought I told you to leave before sunrise." Arthur's voice was cold and harsh. Some of the guards looked at him in confusion.

"And when have I actually followed orders?" I chuckled, "Judging by the faces, I suppose you didn't want anyone to know I was here. My apologies."

"Arthur, we just want to get all of this over with. The faster we figure it out, the sooner we'll leave." Morgana said.

Arthur watched us, for a second his eyes landing on the guards before back at us.

"Don't worry. We won't touch anymore of your precious guards." I sneered.

Arthur didn't respond for a second as he rubbed his chin, "Fine. Go ahead and look, but stay away from my father."

I rolled my eyes and Morgana agreed to that though her face was laced with sadness.

"Come on." I whispered, purposely taking Morgana's hand in mime.

I gave it a squeeze and smiled at her gently before pulling her out of the room.

Arthur's P.O.V

My heart clenched as I watched Merlin be so sweet to Morgana. There were so many emotions running through me right now.  Merlin wasn't being himself and I blame myself. He put a guard to sleep and spoke back to me in front of everyone. He didn't even acknowledge his friends.

I watched him leave, clenching my jaw as I did.

"Why didn't you tell us he was back?" Leon asked.

I stayed silent before shrugging, "Like it matters. He was suppose to leave."

"Arthur...what's going on?"

"Nothing. Now, if anybody mentions him again you will be dismissed for the day."

Everyone went silent and I nodded before going back to the plans we were discussing earlier. But I knew they wouldn't drop it. It was too much of a big deal to be dropped. I heard a knock on my bedroom door and I offered a 'come in'. Lancelot and Gwaine walked in and I knew why they were here.

"Be careful what you say." I looked back down at the papers I was working on.

"No. We won't."

I looked up at Lancelot. They both looked at me with a serious face.

"Arthur, Merlin is back. Not only that but so is Morgana."

"I know, and-"

"No," Gwaine said, "Let us finish. They're back and Merlin is not himself. What the hell is going on here? Why didn't you tell us?"

I stood up as his voice raised and I walked over to them. They stood guard, their faces letting me know they wouldn't drop it.

"He is my best mate. And you couldn't even let me know he had returned. Not only that but you told him to leave!" Lancelot threw at my face.

I did feel bad but I tried not to show it. I knew they all missed Merlin very much. Almost every day they would share a memory out loud. At first I would get mad simply because they were treating him like he was dead, but I then understood. We didn't know when we'd see him again. If anyone one of us would ever see him again. And they had the chance but I decided to keep it from them. But I also didn't want Merlin to leave. I wanted him to stay, but I let my fear get in the way.

"Merlin didn't want anyone to know he was back."

"Did he tell you that?" Gwaine asked.

I looked at them both, "He didn't want me to know."

"So, because he was hiding from you means he was hiding from us?"


I knew I was being stupid and not making sense. I was only upsetting them.

"Well if you're not gonna do anything to help him go back to the person he used to be, we will." Lancelot said and Gwaine nodded.

I scoffed, "Fine. Go ahead. You both can leave with him as well."

Lancelot chuckled quietly and shook his head. They both walked out without another word. I stayed standing in silence growing angry, frustrated, sad. I needed to fix things quickly.

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