Ch. 11

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I woke up the next morning and I groaned as my head started pounding. I sat up and held my head and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light coming through the small windows. I stood up and stretched, sighing deeply. I walked out and everyone looked up at me. I looked at the people around ; Gaius, Morgana, Lancelot, Gwen, Gwaine, even Percival. Though I wasn't surprised he was here, he was really close with Lancelot.

"Gwain. Percival." I smiled.

They smiled and stepped forward. We shared hugs and pulled back looking at one another.

"Nice to have you back, mate." Gwaine said.

I nodded but didn't respond. So far, it didn't feel nice being back. I looked at everyone but the ones with the most sympathetic looks were Morgana and Lancelot.

"How are you feeling?"

I looked at Lancelot and I nodded, "I'm okay. Feeling better than last night."

"Merlin, we will stand by your side. We believe you and Morgana." Percival said.

I smiled and nodded again. All these people meant so much to me and I was such an ass for leaving and never speaking to them again.

"Guys... I'm sorry," I held my hand up before Lancelot spoke, "Yes, I left. I left because I couldn't stand knowing Arthur saw me perform magic. Uther already wanted me dead and I feared Arthur would want the same. It was stupid of me to run from my problems, but I promise I'm done. I'm done leaving everyone I love behind."

To be honest, I was still running because all I wanted was to catch whoever wants to kill Arthur and leave soon after. But they didn't have to know that.

"We love you, Merlin. So much." Gwen said and hugged me.

I hugged her back as well as the others. I sighed as I nodded looking at everyone.

"Let's prove Thomas guilty."

I furrowed my brows, "Won't Arthur be upset for this? I wouldn't want you guys in trouble for helping me."

Gwaine chuckled, "Trust me, we made it clear to him we would side with you."

With that, we all walked out and headed towards Arthur. We knocked on his door but we didn't hear anything. We looked at one another before I opened the door and walked in.


There was no response.

"He's not here." I looked back at everyone.

"We'll meet in the outside court in 5 minutes." Gwaine said and walked off with Percival.

Lancelot and Gwen left as well leaving Morgana and I alone. Before we walked off, Morgana stopped me.

"Can we talk?"

"Of course."

We stood by the door and she sighed softly. She looked at me and I knew what she wanted to talk about. It wouldn't take long for someone to ask.

"Last almost killed Thomas."

"Isn't that what we want?"

"You can't let your anger cloud your judgment. I never took you as someone who would kill."

I furrowed my brows, "You're mad I tried to kill Thomas but not Uther?"

"That's not what I mean. Merlin, I know Arthur has been an ass lately, but you cannot allow your anger get in the way. You can end up hurting him."

And I knew exactly what she meant. I was dangerous when upset and I need to be more careful. I almost killed Uther for God sakes. I nodded at her.

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