Ch. 10

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"Morgana we've been at it for almost all day. The killer isn't here."

"But he is," she nodded, "I can feel him."

I shook my head and groaned. I was getting impatient and just wanted to leave. I couldn't stand seeing Arthur around. I tried to keep my distance from everyone though. I sighed and rubbed my face before I heard him again. But this time, he spoke to the both of us.

'You're wasting time. Tick-tock. Your precious Prince's time is running out.'

Morgana and I both looked at one another.

"Stop being a coward and show yourself." I demanded.

He laughed. It was so cold and lifeless, it sent shivers down my spine as I grew angry.

'But then I won't see you two running around like lost puppies. I'm enjoying the show too much to give in so easily.'

I clenched my jaw as I listened to his voice, "You bastard. I will find you...and I will kill you."

He laughed once again, throwing my threat out the window.

'You wouldn't dare. At least not before I kill your precious Prince.'

And just like that, he was gone. I looked at Morgana who was looking back at me. I nodded and we both ran out of her bedroom. We walked into the council chamber but it was empty. We continued to look around and the one person we found was Leon.


He looked up and he watched us without saying a word.

"Where's Arthur?" Morgana asked.

"Um...well he went out. He's on a late hunting trip. Said he needed to clear his mind."

"Damn it!"

Leon was taken a back by my outburst, "He'll be back soon."

I quickly walked away. The killer was out there and he could be on the verge of killing Arthur. We couldn't waste much time but it seemed Morgana didn't see it that way.

She grabbed my arm stopping me in track, "Don't," she whispered, " 'I'm enjoying the show.' This is what he wants. He wants us to be running around so he can continue laughing at us and tricking us. Let's just wait for Arthur."

She was right. I felt myself relax but not completely as I nodded. She let go of my arm slowly as if afraid I would run away. I sighed as I closed my eyes. I needed my anger to disappear before I lost it. I opened my eyes as I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Lancelot..." I whispered.

He smiled at me from the end of the hall and I smiled back. I chuckled even as I started walking towards him. It wasn't long until I had my arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. This helped my anger fade completely.

"I missed you." I found myself whispering to him.

He chuckled, "You think I didn't? You moron."

I laughed softly and I pulled back looking at him. He looked the same. But I couldn't go without teasing him.

"God, did you get uglier?"

"Did you get stupider?"

We both laughed and he looked past me. I turned around and Morgana was standing there, smiling at us.


"Lancelot, it's Morgana. Really."

He nodded and smiled, "You seem well. Better."

Lost in Battle. (Sequel To The Future That Can Be)Where stories live. Discover now