Ch. 12

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Arthur's P.O.V.

I was upset at Merlin. That was no doubt. I sighed as I helped Thomas up from the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded as he rubbed his neck gently taking in a deep breath, "I'm fine. Just...why did he do that?"

"He's... He was upset. Um, look, Thomas. The reason Merlin is back is because someone is out to get me. It's a difficult thing to explain but they're only trying to protect me."

"Yeah well he almost killed me without any proof."

Before I could speak, Thomas walked away and out of my chamber. I sighed as I rubbed my face.

I started thinking of what I could do. I needed Merlin to not go around getting drunk and almost killing people. But then, I just never saw him as the type of person to kill, so seeing him in action was frightening. I looked up and saw Morgana walk in.

"Arthur... I am not lying to you. Thomas is the killer. I saw him in my dream and we didn't plan on killing him. I didn't plan on it. I wanted him to confess and leave him up to you or Uther. But Merlin..."

I nodded, "I know. I'm scared too."

She nodded as well and she walked over to me. She sighed as she placed her hands on my shoulders then held my hands.

"You need to apologize."

"For what? Morgana...he's the one that left me. He lied to me. He hurt me."

"And you hurt him."

"How?" I asked in confusion, yet I knew deep down what she was reffering to. 

"He tried. He tried so many times to tell you. And he did, once. Remember? But you denied it." she whispered.

She was right. He did tell me once but I thought he only said it to protect Gwen. I even said he only confessed cause he was in love with her. All the times I sat around wondering why Merlin acted the way he did. Why he risked his life. 

"You pushed him away. You rejected him when he was telling the truth. He protected you for so long and he saved your life countless of times yet you chose Thomas over him."

"He chose you over me."

Morgana went silent and I pulled back.

"He could had come back. We would've worked things out for the better but, he didn't. He chose to leave...with you."

"You can't pin this on me. I tried but he didn't want to come back."

"You could had come to me earlier!" she took a step back and I groaned, "You could had contacted me earlier. You're a witch! You could had used your magic to let me know where he was. If he was okay. If...if he needed anything. Cause damn it, I would give anything for him. I was willing to give up the throne for him."


I looked at Morgana and I smiled as I shook my head. I rubbed my face and replayed the memory. The way we looked at one another, trying to protect one another. I looked at Morgana again as she watched me in confusion yet full of curiosity.

"Did he tell you when father put me on lockdown?"

She shook her head, "He didn't speak much of Camelot after we left."

"Well, he left to Ealdor. I wanted to go after him because...well because I love him. And I wanted to tell him so he could come back and we could, I don't know, be together. But father figured it out when I shut Kaila out, hurting her feelings. So he said I couldn't come out until I agreed on marring princess Kaila. Then Merlin came back and he tried to rescue me. And he looked at me straight into my eyes and said..."come with me, Arthur. Let's leave...together." And I said yes because all I want is to be with him and just, hold him. Kiss him. Right now it seems I can't do any of those things. I just want him to be back to normal. To be who he really is."

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