Ch. 5

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"How could you be so careless?" Gaius asked harshly yet quietly.

I knew he'd get mad but he needed to know what the great dragon said to me.

"I'm sorry but I can't just leave him there by himself. He is also a big help."

Silence fell upon us for quite some time. I figured Gaius wanted to calm down before he continued to speak.

"So will you be telling him?"

I bounced my knee up and down as I clasped my hands together, resting my lips on my knuckles. I was growing anxious and I couldn't control myself.

"I-I don't know. I mean, I have to. If I don't, I will only put him in more danger. If I tell him, the sooner we can figure everything out and stop whatever is that will happen. I also need Morgana. She had the dream so she'll be more aware. She can be better help."

"Then bring her. She can stay here until we talk to Arthur and Uther."

I looked at Gaius, "You'll let her stay?"

"Of course."

I smiled and nodded, "Thank you. I will send Khilgarrah out for her tonight. I promise you, she's back to her old self. She's not the hurt and scared person we last knew of."

"With her living by your side for so long, I wouldn't doubt your words."

I smiled and nodded slightly at Gaius. We both finished up our breakfast and Gaius left to check on Uther. According to Gaius, Uther hadn't been so well these past few days. Poor bastard, as much as I disliked him, I kept hoping he'd get better. Arthur will need him more now than ever.

As I stayed by myself with my own thoughts, I kept one thing in mind. Constantly re-living the nightmare I had the other night. I kept trying to see if there was a face under the hood, but I got nothing. But I had no doubt that person was the one who's voice got into my head. I had no doubt he was roaming Camelot waiting to strike.

I needed to stop him before he got too far.


I grabbed my cloak and pulled it on as I sighed to myself quietly. I tied it up and walked out of my room.

"Please be very careful."

I looked at Gaius and I nodded, "I will. I won't be long, I just need to inform Khilgharrah to go get Morgana."

He nodded as I smiled, "Thank you, once again."

He smiled and I pulled my hood on as I cautiously walked out the door. I quietly and quickly made my way out of the kingdom. I needed to be quick to have a good amount of time.

"Ah, I see you're still hiding."

"I need a favor."

"Does it involve you finally telling the truth?"

I looked up at the dragon, letting him know I wasn't in the mood, "Get Morgana."


I looked at him and gave him what he wanted, "Then we will both announce our return. Together."

And it was the truth. I needed to tell Arthur, but I didn't want to do it alone. I couldn't. I needed Morgana. I know I have Gaius and Gwen, but Morgana promised to be by my side if I ever came face to face with the man I once felt so much for.

Did I still feel as much? I honestly didn't know. I have been away for quite long and I fought each day to move on and let it go. Let him go. I won't deny I am scared to see him, but I wasn't sure if I felt the same for him or if it was guilt eating at me.

Lost in Battle. (Sequel To The Future That Can Be)Where stories live. Discover now