Ch. 2

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I spend the night trying to calm Morgana down and get her back to sleep. It was hard for she was terrified. I told her not to speak until she was calm, not wanting her to have another breakdown in the middle of one.

We sat on the table. She drank some water and closed her eyes, resting her head on her hands. She finally looked up at me. She looked fine but the fear was still in her eyes.

"Arthur is in trouble."

"What kind of trouble? What did you see?"

She sighed and stayed silent as if trying to remember or just think it one more time before telling me. She looked at me and she sat up straight before speaking.

"It all happened so fast..."


I had never packed so fast in my life, even when I wanted to leave Camelot in the first place. Morgana decided to not join me for now until it was okay for her to return. I understand what she meant, so I didn't push it. I walked out of the house and towards Khilgharrah who was drinking from the lake. He looked at me and he hummed.

"We're going back."

He smiled and simply nodded. I looked back at Morgana and I hugged her. 

"Please, don't be long with notifying me." she whispered.

I shook my head, "I won't. I will ask as soon as I can and will bring you in."

She smiled, "Here. Take this to hide as much as you can," she said as she held out her cloak to me.

We looked at each other reassuringly before I climbed onto Khilgharrah's back. The dragon then lifted himself off the floor, flying past the wind. He made his way to Camelot and the whole way my brain was killing me with all the questions it formed. 

Was Camelot the same? Would they welcome me? Did they remember me? Will he want me there? Does he still feel for me? 

I shook my head as I rid it of all the troubling questions. I knew I couldn't let Arthur know I was back, not tonight. I would have to wait until morning considering it will take all day for me to get back. I just tried to relax the whole way, thinking of what Morgana had said to me. I kept reminding myself how this was not about me, but Arthur. I needed to put the past behind us and be there for him. To help him. To protect him. 

The whole ride there I watched everything around me. Things were becoming familiar and I smiled as I watched the villages come into view. I was almost at Camelot. I watched the sun set, a smile on my face as I did.

The night soon took over and Khilgarrah landed a few feet away from the castle.

"Don't hesitate to call me if you run into any trouble.".

I shook my head as I got off his back and looked at him, "I won't."

I grabbed the black cloak and placed it on, tying it up before pulling the hood up. I sighed and remained standing there. The great dragon chuckled at me.

"Don't be frightened young one. Arthur will welcome you with open arms. Your friends will show you love and support. Gaius will continue to be a father. Don't let fear get in the way of destiny."

I smiled at his words, nodding slightly. He was right. I was scared, yes, but that didn't mean I should let it stop me from doing the right thing.

"Thank you. For everything."

He bowed his head then looked up, smiling.

I smiled and walked away towards the kingdom. I stopped just a few steps back and my eyes flashed, putting the guards by the entrance into a light sleep. I walked past and hid myself in the shadows of the night.

I walked through the houses and quietly made my way to Gaius' chambers. I knocked on the door, afraid of his reaction. The door opened and I removed my hood. The old man and I just looked at one another, neither one of us said a word, neither one of us moved the first few seconds. I offered a smile and he returned one, grabbing me and pulling me into a tight hug. I grew tensed but quickly relaxed as I hugged him back just as tight. I needed this. His warmth and comfort. I missed him like crazy and I realized that now as I stood with him.

"Come on, boy." he led me in.

He closed the door and locked it as I requested. I looked at him and I smiled.

"I got your letter last night."

I nodded as I remembered that. The letter.

"I'm glad you're living a happy life. I just never expected you and Morgana."

"Me either," I smiled, "But Gaius, we need to talk."

He nodded as he sat down before he spoke, "I figured. After your letter, I wouldn't had expected you back here so soon."

I removed the cloak before I sat down across from him sighing softly. I looked at him and nodded as I remained silent, trying to find the words. 

"Morgana had a dream."

"Oh, no. Merlin..."

"I know. I know," I nodded as I nervously played with my fingers, "I need to understand a few things."

Gaius furrowed his brows and I immediately started telling him of the dream. Gaius didn't hesitate to fill me in a couple of things that have been happening, making half the dream understandable. So, I got a few answers, and I knew I didn't want to just talk about this with Gaius when I haven't seen him in so long. I studied him and smiled as I noticed he didn't change much, but his hair definitely did. 

"You need a haircut."

He chuckled, "I think it makes me look young."

"Definitely." I grinned.

His hair was still white, still wavy, but it now passed more of an inch over his shoulders. I reached over and played with his hair, laughing softly as he slapped my hand away. 

"I missed you." I simply said.

He smiled at me, patting my hand gently, "And I you. Now, come on, you better sleep."

We both stood up and I picked up my bag. I walked over to the door of my bedroom, stopping before I opened it. I turned to look at Gaius.

"Gaius?" He turned to look at me, "Arthur can't know..."

He simply nodded, "I won't say a word that you're here. Just, don't be stupid and step out of this house."

"Oh, when have I not been stupid," I chuckled, "Goodnight."


I walked into my old room, closing the door. I changed quickly then walked over to the window, opening it and looking out at the village. I smiled as the memory of when I did this the first time I stepped into Camelot came to mind. I shook my head at the thought, heading to bed after a few seconds. I laid down, quickly falling asleep.

Lost in Battle. (Sequel To The Future That Can Be)Where stories live. Discover now