Birthday Breakfast (Joshler)

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FEATURING: dating!joshler
PROMPT: Tyler makes Josh a special birthday breakfast in bed.
WORDS: Idk again, but it's short

(Josh's POV)

"Josh! Josh, wake up!"

I groaned and rolled over in bed. It couldn't be morning yet, could it?

"Come on, Josh!" An arm shook my shoulder again, gently. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be allowed to sleep again, and sat up.

I came face to face with my boyfriend of two years, Tyler. His eyes were bright, and an adorable smile was plastered over his face. It was so cute that I immediately forgot about sleep.

"Surprise!" Tyler put a plastic tray in my lap. "Happy birthday!"

On the tray sat a plate stacked with two pancakes, already covered in butter and syrup. They were burned at the edges, and looked very well done. Also on the plate were three pieces of bacon, which looked even darker than the pancakes. The only thing that seemed untouched by Tyler's cooking was a glass of orange juice. 

The meal didn't look very good, but the smile on Tyler's face was so precious. I knew he hated cooking, due to his tendency to burn everything humanly possible, but he had worked so hard to make me my favorite breakfast in bed. It made me love him even more.

I smiled broadly at him and gave him a kiss on the head. "Thank you, Ty, it looks beautiful."

"You're welcome Joshie." Once our hug was over, he sat there on the bed, practically bouncing up and down with excitement as I cut up the pancakes with my fork and knife. I took a bite.

The pancake was crunchy, like I'd expected. Thankfully, Tyler had drowned them in syrup, so it was only mildly unpleasant.

I took a bite of the bacon, too. It was significantly more burned than the pancakes, but it still had echoes of bacon-y flavor in there somewhere.

"It's good, love," I said with a mouthful of food, and he giggled.

"It's not, really, but I did my best for you," he said in his sweet voice.

"I know, and I appreciate it so much." I took a sip of the juice to wash down some of the burnt taste. "Now let's share this wonderful breakfast you made so we can spend the rest of our day together."

A/N: Sorry this was short...

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