Couches (Joshler)

353 19 19

FEATURING: married!Joshler
PROMPT: This oneshot is based on Tyler's tweet "To my future dime-piece wife: We will take our kids to a thrift store, give them each $10, and set them loose while we look at old couches."
WORD COUNT: Approximately 650 (very short, sorry)

It was a late Saturday afternoon in autumn. Though there was a chill in the air from the settling cold, the sky was clear, and golden sunlight streamed down.

Downtown, a family had just pulled their car into the parking lot belonging to a small shopping center. A man with slightly curly dark brown hair and faint scruff on his chin got out of the driver's seat. He had a sleeve tattoo on display on his left arm, which stood out among his other features.

In the front passenger seat, another man got out of the car. This one had fluffier, straighter brown hair, and doe eyes. This man seemed a bit more feminine, delicate in his slight frame and the way he walked. That, and he had a black purse over one shoulder. 

From the second and third row of the car, three kids scrambled out--one with blonde hair, one with black hair, one with brown hair. The two brunette and black-haired children, both boys, appeared to be twins, no more than ten years old. The blonde, looking to be a girl, was a bit younger, maybe seven or eight.

The children happily walked with their parents to the thrift store that the shopping center provided. Just before they stepped inside, the more feminine man held out an arm to stop his family from going inside. "Hold on one second." He dug around in his purse, pulling out his wallet and removing three ten dollar bills. He held them out to the children. "You each get ten dollars. Try to buy something that'll fit in our car." The feminine man smiled.

Excitedly, each child grabbed one of the bills. "Thanks, Dad!" the youngest child chimed, and the older two mirrored their sibling's thanks. Quickly, the children ran inside the store.

The more masculine man chuckled and took his husband's hand, leading him inside after them.

The children roamed free through the store, looking for something to buy, while the married couple spent the entirety of their time in the shop looking at old couches. This was something they did now and then on weekends; they still didn't have a couch.

"What do you think about the color of this one, Josh?" the feminine man asked, pulling on his husband's hand to guide him towards a couch. It was hideous, with uncomfortable-looking carved wooden arms, and ugly hot pink fabric.

"Tyler Joseph-Dun, as your husband as well as your friend, I must steadfastly refuse to buy or even let you sit upon this couch." Josh grinned and squeezed Tyler's hand.

"But it's so ugly it's cool!" Tyler protested, also smiling. They probably would have kissed, if they weren't in a dingy old thrift store.

"Papa, Dad, look what I found!" The little girl ran up to her parents. In her arms was a fluffy, white stuffed animal, appearing to be a cat. It was almost as big as the girl's head.

Tyler carefully took the toy cat from his daughter, admiring it. "It's very cute, sweetie." He handed it back to the girl.

"Louise, have you seen your brothers?" Josh asked. The twins were probably fine by themselves in the reasonably small store, but Josh could be overprotective of his family sometimes.

The girl, Louise, nodded. "Yeah, I think Dan was looking at the books and Phil was looking at the video game stuff." He held up the stuffed cat to Josh. "Do I have enough money to buy the kitty stuffie?"

Josh looked at the tag, which read $8.56. "Yup, just enough."

Louise beamed and took the stuffed animal back into her arms, carrying it off with her ten dollar bill in her other hand. "Thanks!"

Tyler and Josh continued to look at the old couches for a while longer, until their children had spent their collective thirty dollars, and then they left the store and returned to the car.

"Are you guys ever actually going to buy a couch?" Dan asked his parents in a sarcastic tone from the second row of the car.

"Hopefully eventually," Josh said with a smile, one hand on the wheel and the other covering Tyler's. The family drove out of the parking lot, and headed home.

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