Saturnz Barz (Ryden)

719 11 43

FEATURING: prettyodd!era
TRIGGER WARNINGS: A scared Ryan Ross
PROMPT: Based on the music video for the Gorillaz song Saturnz Barz.
This one isn't SUPER ryden but I wrote it and I'm proud of it
Above is the music video mentioned ^ the oneshot will make more sense if you watch it first

Music played from the stereo as the sharp-looking red car drove down the street. The sky was clear and bright, with the occasional puffy cloud, and the sound of birds chirping from the trees, combining cheerily with the music.

A man by the name of Brendon Urie was at the wheel, singing to the radio as he drove. The song playing, Nine In The Afternoon, was one he knew well; it was a song created and performed by his own band, after all.

Brendon's bandmate, Ryan Ross, sat in the passenger seat, rolling his eyes at Brendon's singing, but smiling. The other two members of the band, Spencer and Jon, were in the backseat together, mostly ignoring Brendon and looking at the scenery around them instead.

"Back to the street, down to our feet, losing the feeling of feeling unique. Do you know what I mean?" Brendon sang. He was smiling, content to be out on the road with his friends.

"Is he ever going to stop?" Jon asked Spencer with a sigh, just loud enough for Brendon to hear. The lead singer turned around the flick the bird at Jon before continuing to sing, without missing a beat. "Back to the place, where we used to say, 'Man it feels good to feel this way'. Now I know what I mean!"

Brendon turned down the radio for a moment. "Ryan, what street are we on? Are we almost there?"

The man in the passenger seat shrugged, a smile playing out on his lips. "Don't know."

"I thought you had the map!"

"No, it's in the glove compartment."

Brendon sighed and stared straight ahead as he drove. "Well, get it out for me, and figure out where we are."

Ryan opened the glove compartment and dug around through the chip bags, guitar strings, and raw CDs. He eventually found the map and pulled it out, unfolding it and squinting at the tiny lines and writing. Ryan glanced to the street signs as they drove, frowning and looking back at the map a few more times. "We've got a long way to go--wait." He turned the map right-side up. "Oh. I was reading it wrong. Turn right at this stop sign...and then it should be a few blocks down."

"Good." Brendon turned the radio back up just a bit, humming along to the tune as he turned. After a few more blocks down Saturn street, he stopped in front of a two story house. "Here we are!"

Ryan, Jon, and Spencer looked up at the house. It seemed to be in poor condition, with most of the windows boarded up, and the paint peeling off so that it was more wood than paint. "This is where we're going to be living?" Spencer said with a raised brow.

"Maybe! The owners aren't living here, but they said it's unlocked, and we can take a look to see if we're interested." Brendon hopped out of the car and strolled up the walk, leaving his bandmates no choice but to follow him up onto the covered porch. The lead singer rang the doorbell, which let out a harsh, clanging ring.

Thunder suddenly rumbled above, and Ryan, Jon, and Spencer looked behind them to see rain pouring down. The sky had been clear only a moment ago...right?

Brendon pushed the door open, which creaked on its hinges. "Loudest doorbell I've ever heard," he commented. He still had a carefree grin on his face, while his friends behind him looked more concerned.

"Looks like a fixer-upper," Jon added in a sarcastic tone, making Ryan and Spencer both snort.

The band entered the house, standing in the hallway. A large painting of an unfamiliar figure hung on the wall to one side, and there was a tattered rug on the floor. "Hmm. Welcoming." Ryan gave his friends a faint smile.

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