Lost (Frerard)

555 16 26

CATEGORY: Fluff (mostly)
FEATURING: it has frerard, what more do you want from me okay
PROMPT: Frank loses his beloved dog, Phoebe, and Gerard just happens to find her.
POV changes a lot, sorry.


Frank couldn't believe this had happened.

He had just come home from work and gone to the yard to fetch Phoebe. Phoebe was a black...well, Frank didn't know her exact breed. He'd gotten her from the pound about six months ago, and the workers had just said she was a mix. She was about the size of a lab, and she was black, but her ears stuck straight up on her head, and her tail was extra thick and fluffy. She also had longer, thinner legs than a lab would.

Frank lived in an apartment, and thankfully, it had a fenced in yard that he could let Phoebe roam through while he was at work. Frank's landlord, like Frank himself, loved dogs, and so he'd let his own dogs out there too. Phoebe would play with them all day long, and Frank could be rest assured that she'd be alright.

After work, Frank would go into the yard and fetch Phoebe to bring her back into his apartment. She would always bring a smile to his face when she ran up to see him. 

However, that day, when Frank went into the yard to fetch Phoebe, she wasn't there. He called her name, and searched all around the yard, but she just wasn't there.

In the corner of the chain-link fence, he found a hole, too small for the landlord's big German Shepherds to fit through, but just big enough for Phoebe.

Frank was so worried. Phoebe had likely gone through the hole in the fence and wandered off. She was probably lost, out on the streets right now!

He hurried out of the yard and out onto the sidewalk, calling for his beloved dog. He just hoped he could find her before she got hurt.


It was a typical Wednesday evening for Gerard. He had just gone to his favorite Chinese takeout place for dinner, and now he was carrying his food home.

Gerard worked at a local hardware store, and right next door just happened to be a great Chinese restaurant. Sometimes after work he would head over and pick up food for dinner, as he was that night.

It was around six PM, so it was dark. There weren't many people out on the street, and so Gerard was careful to keep his guard up. He certainly didn't want to get mugged.

He suddenly stopped, hearing a strange sound. Nails, clicking against the sidewalk. He turned back quickly, and was a little surprised to see a medium-sized black dog walking alone. It had a narrow muzzle, pointy ears, and a fluffy tail. The dog's ID tag, along with the bell on its purple collar, made a pleasing jingling noise.

Gerard wasn't a dog person; he preferred cats. But the dog looked so sweet and friendly, he couldn't resist. He leaned down and petted the dog, and she wagged her tail harder. Her collar read the name Phoebe

Phoebe seemed like a nice dog. Gerard glanced around, but didn't see anyone else on the street. "Hello?" he called. "I, um, found your dog?" He was met with only silence.

He didn't know what to do. He couldn't just leave Phoebe out here by herself, she'd get picked up by the pound, or hit by a car. He had found her, and he felt responsible. Gerard didn't even know if she's follow him, but when he started walking again, she trotted after him.

So, he headed home, with one more companion than he'd left with.

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