Sunshine (Joshler)

567 27 24

CATEGORY: Fluff, angst
FEATURING: feminine!Tyler and jock!Josh
PROMPT: Josh finds Tyler crying in the bathroom at school, and tries to help.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 1,910

Tyler was a peculiar boy.

He did things, for instance, that many boys didn't. He painted his nails, a new color every week. He didn't like sports (besides basketball), and was much more happy to talk about other things, like music or boys. He wore almost-clear strawberry lip gloss, because it felt right. And he wasn't shy about wearing 'feminine' colors like pink or purple.

Yes, Tyler was a bit different. While some of the things he said or did made the other people in his school give him swift, unfriendly looks. He was safe. He was happy. He was a ray of sunshine.

One day, however, that changed.

The day Tyler got beat up, he was wearing eyeliner.

It was his first time ever using makeup, so he messed it up several times. He'd borrowed it from his sister, Madison, after asking first of course. Tyler's mother was perfectly happy with Tyler the way he was; she never tried to make him change anything. Tyler's father didn't really care one way or another, and neither did Zack. Tyler's youngest sibling, Jay was too young to completely understand it. Madison and his mother fully supported him, though, and he appreciated them quite a bit.

It took several tries, but he finally did it. His eyes seemed to pop with the black eyeliner around them. It wasn't terribly thick, of course, but it was enough.

It felt wonderful.

Happily, Tyler went into his room to get his backpack. It was nearly time for school, and he had to be ready. After slinging the black bag over his shoulder and tying his combat boots, he glanced up into the mirror.

Tyler wore a gray jacket over a very pale pink t-shirt. His white nails peeked out from his slightly-long sleeves. He also wore a pair of skinny jeans, which tucked nicely into his boots.

He headed downstairs. "Mom, I'm going to school!"

"Alright, have a nice day!" she shouted from the kitchen. She would probably be home most of the day; she worked from home, while Tyler's father had an office job.

Tyler walked out the front door. He was feeling happy and confident, due to his eyeliner. It felt purely Tyler.

It was a nice day out, for autumn. The trees were all just turning, lit up in different shades of brown, orange, yellow, and red. Tyler admired the colors as he walked.

He only lived a few blocks from school, so the walk was brief. He went to his locker first, as he'd been meaning to tidy it up for a while now.

"Is that makeup?"

Tyler turned to see a boy everyone in school knew: Brendon Urie.

Brendon was popular, but he wasn't very nice to some of the less popular students. He had given Tyler several harsh glares before when he'd spotted the smaller boy's painted nails and pink shirts, and had even made a rude comment or two before as Tyler had passed by, but had never approached him directly.

Tyler decided to be brave. He swallowed, and nodded. "It is."

Ryan, one of the members of Brendon's clique, laughed. Brendon's other friend, Dallon, snorted. Brendon himself only smiled crookedly.

"I don't know if anyone's mentioned this to your face before, buddy, but you look a little ridiculous in all that getup." Brendon looked Tyler over again. "Boys don't wear pink."

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