Breakfast (Phan)

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FEATURING: shy!Dan and outgoing!Phil
PROMPT: After moving in with Phil in the big city, Dan is reluctant to leave the apartment by himself. Phil offers to accompany him.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 1,460

Dan was growing used to this, his life in the apartment he shared with Phil.

He'd moved in with Phil just about a week ago. The two had started their relationship after becoming friends in secondary school, but once school ended, Phil went to university in London. They'd been in a long-distance relationship for a while, but after dropping out of university to pursue a career in YouTube, Dan finally accepted Phil's offer to move in with him.

The moved had been scary, and new, and exciting all at once. Phil and his friend Louise came in Louise's car and helped Dan pack his belongings, although he didn't have much. Dan had been very happy to see Phil again, and he knew the feeling was mutual by how Phil covered him with kisses, and held his hand, and told him all about London and how much fun they would have living together.

The mornings in this new life started off simply enough. Phil usually woke up first, and Dan would come out of the bedroom they shared to find him making coffee. They'd share a kiss, and eat breakfast together on the barstools at the counter. Phil would excitedly talk about the things he had planned for the day, and Dan would smile and laugh and add in his own thoughts. Then Phil would ask Dan what he had planned, and Dan would ramble about some YouTube stuff for a while, while Phil would smile and nod and laugh in all the right places.

One morning, the sixth day of Dan's new life, was a tad different.

He got out of bed, as per usual, and Phil was already up. Dan found him in the kitchen, standing by the coffeemaker as it brewed the black drink. He reached up to get a coffee cup from the cupboard, and briefly, Dan admired how beautiful Phil was.

Phil put the coffee cup on the counter, then noticed Dan standing in the kitchen. "Good morning, bear," he said sweetly, placing a kiss on Dan's head. He was probably the only coffee drinker in the world who was still kind and gentle even before getting that first cup.

"'Morning," Dan responded with a light smile, and got a coffee cup of his own. Dan's cup was black and had a cute space design on it, and Phil's was blue and patterned with corgi dogs.

"Sleep well?" Phil asked, leaning against the counter and watching as his boyfriend got a box of cereal from the cupboard.

"Mhm." The cereal box felt unnaturally light to Dan. Frowning slightly, the boy put the box on the counter and opened up the top. There wasn't so much as a piece of cereal inside. Even the plastic bag was gone. "Phil, did you eat my cereal?"

"Maybe..." Phil responded, looking incredibly guilty.

Dan threw the empty box in Phil's general direction, and Phil barely caught it. He still looked guilty, but now he was laughing. 

"That was my breakfast, you spork." Dan crossed his arms over his chest, pretending to be mad.

"I tell you what." Phil put the empty box on the counter and wrapped his arms around Dan, hugging him from behind. "I'll give you the money for a new box, and I'll let you beat me at MarioKart tonight, okay?"

"I always beat you, anyway," Dan grumbled, trying not to smile.

"Well, then maybe we could do something else later," Phil suggested, trying to wink but failing horribly.

Dan started giggling and lightly pushed him away. "You're such a dork."

The coffeemaker beeped, and Phil took the full pot, pouring equal amounts of coffee into his and Dan's cups. "Maybe, but you love me anyway."

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