Coffee (Phan)

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CATEGORY: Fluff (mostly)
FEATURING: artist!Dan and artist!Phil
PROMPT: Dan is getting coffee one morning when someone shoves him and makes him spill the entire thing.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 490 (super short, sorry)

"Hello and welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you?"

Dan glanced up to the menu one more time before stepping forwards. "I'll have just a black coffee, please."

The cashier raised a brow slightly, probably not used to anyone ordering something so simple from Starbucks. Nevertheless, she rang up his purchase, and Dan paid for his coffee.

He was exhausted from staying up late, working on his latest piece. Dan was a sculptor, and he often spent days at a time holed up in his tiny apartment, planning and creating sculptures. He had a special love and talent for sculpting angels, in particular.

Dan's latest piece, like almost all the rest, was an angel, but he couldn't get the face quite right. He'd eventually given up early this morning, and decided to go out and get some coffee to wake himself up. Maybe it would even inspire him.

An employee called Dan's name, jolting him out of his thoughts, and he gratefully took the warm cup from the counter. Before he could even take a sip, someone shoved into his shoulder.

Startled, Dan dropped his coffee, and it went crashing to the floor. Angry, he turned to confront the man who had shoved him. "Hey!"

The man looked to be about Dan's age, with clear blue eyes ringed lightly with eyeliner, and black hair with a bit of fringe. He wore a black Muse t-shirt and skinny jeans, paired with combat boots.

Despite the man's tough-looking appearance, he didn't look angry, but horrified. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

Dan leaned down to pick up the now-empty coffee cup as an employee arrived and started cleaning up the rest of the mess. "It's fine."

"Can I buy you a new one?"

Dan looked back at the man. He seemed sincere, and there was a kind smile on his face.

"Yes, thank you."

And so, the man, who introduced himself as Phil, bought Dan a new coffee. Though there were plenty of empty tables at the Starbucks that day, Dan and Phil chose to sit together.

They bonded quickly over their mutual love of art. Phil, as it turned out, was also an artist; he specialized in sketching portraits. Dan and Phil talked for ages about their favorite artists, favorite art inspiration, favorite art supply stores, favorite methods, and so on.

Eventually, however, Dan had to go. He knew if he didn't get working on his sculpture soon, he'd start to lose his inspiration. And something about Phil had given him just the bit of an idea that he needed to continue it.

"Dan, I know we just met, but would you like to get coffee again with me sometime?" Almost shyly, Phil ducked his head. "I think you're really cute, and I'd like to get to know you better."

The sculptor gave Phil a bright grin, possibly the happiest he'd had for months. "That sounds perfect."

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