Rubik's Cube (Peterick)

261 16 25

FEATURING: dating!Peterick
PROMPT: Patrick gets frustrated when he can't solve a Rubik's cube.
WORD COUNT: About 570 (sorry it's short)
Also I made Pete taller than Patrick in this so yeah

"Ugh! That's it, I'm done."

Pete opened his eyes to look down at his boyfriend. The two were cuddling on the couch in Pete's apartment, with Patrick as the little spoon and Pete as the big spoon. The late-afternoon sun shone through the window, and a Judas Priest song played at a low volume on Pete's radio.

"Not with me, I hope?"

Patrick pushed his glasses up on his nose. "No, with this stupid Rubik's cube." He was holding the half-completed, brightly colored cube in his hand. With a huff, he tossed it onto the coffee table and crossed his arms, wrinkling his nose. "It's bullshit."

He definitely must have been upset, because Pete couldn't remember the last time Patrick swore. He wrapped an arm around him, pulling him into his chest. Cuddles usually could make him feel better.

"Not now, Pete." Patrick pulled away a bit, sitting up and adjusting his fedora atop his head. "I'm too pissed right now."

Pete sat up as well, raising a brow. "Too pissed for cuddles?"


Pete looked at the object on the coffee table. "We are definitely going to have to do something about this Rubik's cube."

"I don't even want to look at it." Patrick crossed his arms and scowled. On any other person, Pete might find it angry and cold, but on Patrick it just looked cute.

"How would you feel about throwing it off a bridge?"

Patrick's irritation quickly turned to confusion. "What?"

Two root beers, a full tank of gas, and a fifteen minute drive later, Patrick and Pete stood on top of an overpass. Below, a four-lane freeway was stretched out, with cars passing to and fro on the asphalt. It wasn't too congested, since it was a Wednesday, but school would be out soon and it would start to pick up again.

There was a bit of a breeze, so Patrick had left his fedora in the car, not wanting it to blow away. His strawberry-blonde hair was loose, and he kept pushing strands out of his face. "Remind me why we're here again?"

In one hand, Pete held his phone; in the other, he held the Rubik's cube. He put the cube in Patrick's hand. "To get rid of this stupid cube."

"I could just throw it away, or donate it or something."

Pete grinned. "But where's the fun in that?"

A smile played out on Patrick's lips, and he stood on his tip-toes to kiss Pete's cheek. "Okay. I'll do it."

"Don't throw it until I'm ready, okay?" Pete opened up his phone. "This is going on Vine."

Patrick rolled his eyes a bit, but he waited until Pete gave him a nod. He cleared his throat, and said the first thing that popped into his head. "Adios, you plastic bitch." He pulled his arm back, and then chucked the cube over the side of the overpass as hard as he could.

The cube sailed through the air for a brief moment, and then crashed into the roof of a passing car, leaving a remarkably cube-shaped dent.

"Oh shit!" Pete quickly shut off his phone and half-pulled, half-dragged Patrick back to his car.

"Oh, my God, I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Patrick managed to say as Pete shoved him into the passenger seat. His boyfriend jumped into the driver's side and put the key into the ignition.

"I can't believe I got it on video," Pete laughed as he revved the engine and quickly drove away from the scene.

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