Panic! Pilots (Joshler)

472 18 38

FEATURING: antisocial!Tyler and musician!Josh
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Use of ALCOHOL and LANGUAGE! This fic is pretty safe though
PROMPT: Tyler goes to a bar to see a local band, and quickly develops a crush on Josh, the drummer.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 1,900

Tyler is at the library when his phone rings.

The librarian, and a few nearby patrons, shoot him dirty looks. His phone is supposed to be on vibrate, but he so rarely gets calls or texts that he didn't bother. Embarrassed, Tyler quickly leaves the main library area and ducks into the men's room to take the call.

"Hey Tyler!" He's greeted with the voice of his sometimes-best-friend, Brendon. "Man, you took forever to pick up."

"I was in the library."

"Do you ever not study?" Tyler can practically hear Brendon shaking his head in pity. "You must have knowledge coming out your ass by now."

To be perfectly honest, Tyler studies quite frequently. He needs good grades if he's going to get a good job later on. He doesn't respond to Brendon's jibe.

"Anyway," Brendon continues, "I'm going to a bar later tonight to see Dallon's band, you interested?"

"Neither of us is twenty-one yet, Brendon."

"It's fine, I know a guy. We'll get in."

"I don't really drink."

"Aw, come on, Ty," Brendon coaxes. "You've got to loosen up a little. Do you really want to look back at your college days and see yourself sitting on your ass studying the whole time?"

Tyler glances at the book in his hands. American History: Original and Secondary Source Readings. "I guess not."

"Good. I'll meet you outside at nine. The band starts about fifteen minutes after, so don't be late." And with that, Brendon hangs up the phone.

Tyler never did ask which bar Dallon's band was playing at, but it isn't difficult to guess: there's only one popular bar in town. It's simply titled Pete's, and it's the bar that Tyler knows Brendon and his popular friends go to.

He's never been to a bar before, really, so he doesn't entirely know what to wear. He isn't much one for fashion, so he's never worried too much about his clothes. He finally settles on a large white tank top with huge holes for sleeves, a pair of black skinny jeans, and black close-toed shoes. It's probably not what everyone else is wearing, but it'll be fine.

When he arrives at the bar, he parks on the street, which is already almost full of cars. He gets out and goes to the entrance, where Brendon is waiting.

"Finally. Ready to go in?"

Tyler shrugs. "I guess."

Brendon lightly shoves his friend's shoulder, sighing. "Lighten up. Seriously." Tyler decides not to point out that was a bit of an oxymoron.

He follows Brendon to the bar's entrance, where a man covered in tattoos is waiting. He has short, almost red hair, and a beard that's of the same shade. Tyler thinks that, without all the tattoos and the menacing sunglasses, he'd look like a nice guy.

"ID's, please," the guy says. His voice is softer than Tyler would have thought.

"You know me," Brendon says, putting a hand on the man's shoulder. Tyler is a bit nervous, so he stays quiet and lets Brendon use his charismatic charm on the man.

"I don't know him," the man comments, gesturing with an arm to Tyler.

He's my buddy, and he doesn't drink, anyway," Brendon argues. "Come on, we're just here to see the band. Please?"

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