What's In Your Heart (Joshler)

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FEATURING: engaged!Joshler, transgender!Tyler
PROMPT: It's Tyler's time of the month, and Josh helps him feel better.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 700

When Josh wakes up, the first thing that he realizes is that it's strangely cold. He draws the blankets further around him, blindly reaching out through the sheets to find his fiancé. Tyler is a warm-blooded person, while Josh is a cold-blooded one. It's one of the many reasons that they fit together so well.

However, despite reaching out, Josh can't find Tyler. Upon opening his eyes, he realizes that his fiancé is not there.

It's nearly six in the morning, and since Tyler is not an early bird, Josh just assumes he's in the bathroom, but after over fifteen minutes of waiting, Josh knows that probably isn't the case.

With a sigh, he sleepily lifts up the blankets, sitting up and stretching. He climbs out of bed and puts on his glasses from the bedside table, as well as a t-shirt laying on the floor; it's too cold to be wandering around shirtless.

Just to be sure, Josh glances in the bathroom just off the bedroom, but Tyler's not there.

Upon entering the living room of their apartment, Josh finds him. He's sitting curled up in a corner of the couch, head leaning on a pillow and arms wrapped around himself. A throw blanket is draped over him, and the television plays cartoons at the lowest possible volume.

Tyler loves cartoons, and thinks the news is boring. This is just another reason why Josh loves him.

"You okay, Ty?" Josh approaches him, sitting next to him on the couch and wrapping his arms around him in a comforting gesture.

Tyler only shrugs, pulling the blanket up higher over him, so his face is half-hidden by the blanket. It's not like him. Normally, Tyler is a bright, happy ball of sunshine, lighting up Josh's life. Today, he seems less like the sun, and more like the moon. Still beautiful, but somehow sadder.

"Come on, you can tell me," Josh says, running his fingers through Tyler's fluffy hair. He knows Tyler loves when he does this; it helps him to calm down when he's upset.

"It's my time of the month," Tyler mumbles, as if he's ashamed. He buries himself deeper into the blanket.

Being on your period is never fun, but for Tyler, it's twice as unpleasant. He's transgender--female to male--and so that one time of the month is always filled with extra stress, with plenty of dysphoria as well.

Normally, Josh helps him out by offering extra comfort, affection, and support during these times. He's not at all put off or bothered by periods, like too many men are--he knows it's only nature--and he always does his best to help Tyler feel better. This time, however, his fiancé seems sadder than usual.

"Are the cramps extra bad?" Josh asks gently, rubbing Tyler's back. "I could call the advice nurse. Or Dr. Black," he adds, referring to Tyler's gender therapist.

Tyler shakes his head. "No, I'm just sad."


"S-Surgery can't make me a real man," Tyler whispers, eyes brimming with tears, and seeing his lover so unhappy makes Josh's heart break.

"Hey." Josh pulls him in close for a hug, kissing the side of his head. "Gender's not about what's under your shirt or in your pants, it's about what's in your heart. You're already a real man, and a handsome one at that."

Tyler sniffles, but lets himself be comforted by Josh's words and gestures. "You really think so?"

"I know so. You're going to get that top surgery soon, too, and you'll feel so much better, I promise." The couple had just saved up enough money for the surgery Tyler needed, and after that, only bottom surgery remained.

The tears stops with this reminder, and Tyler nestles his head into Josh's shoulder. "Thank you, Josh."

"Of course." Josh places a kiss on his lover's head. "Anything I can do to make you feel better right now? I think we might have some chocolate in the cupboard."

"I already ate it," Tyler admits, a small smile playing on his lips.

Josh chuckles. "Midol, then? A hot pack?"

Tyler shakes his head. "Already got 'em."

"What can I do for you, then?"

In response, the smaller man cuddled into Josh's side. "Just sit here with me, and watch cartoons."

And so, they did.

A/N: Again, I am not transgender, so if I got anything wrong or accidentally said something offensive, PLEASE correct me!

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