The Broken Window (Joshler)

544 21 25

FEATURING: dating!Joshler
PROMPT: Tyler goes out late at night in search of someone.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 1,090

It is late when Tyler makes his way down the street. 

He pauses under a streetlamp, bathed in yellow light as he looks to the street sign before him.

Cherry St. No, this won't do. He hesitates, then carries on, stepping out of the light and into the dark again.

It's almost one in the morning, judging by how much time has passed since he left his home. It was about twelve-thirty then, and he's been walking for nearly half an hour.

Tyler would like to glance at his phone to check the time, but he's not in the best neighborhood, so he doesn't want to take his eyes off his surroundings. In addition, the light from his phone might attract other people. He has no desire to get mugged tonight.

He is so rarely out at night, so he takes the time to surround himself in the pleasures of it: the cool, crisp air, the slight sliver of a moon hanging in the sky, the glitter of the stars above his head, the almost total silence. The only sounds, in fact, are those of his shoes upon the ground as he walks, and the faint breeze rustling the leaves in the trees.

Tyler reaches the next street sign, which reads Forest Ln. Ah, yes, this is the one. Tyler hasn't been this way in the dark before, but he's glad now that he's sure he's on the right track.

Turning right onto Forest Lane, Tyler walks to the house in the middle of the street. (A/N: OUR HOUSE--BA BUM--IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR STREET!) It's a decent house, especially considering the shifty neighborhood: it's white, with dark brown trim on the edges and windows. The black door stands firmly, and Tyler is relieved that he won't have to use it, especially not at night. It's always been too dark, too imposing for his liking, like it doesn't want him to be here.

Tyler stops in the crunchy gravel driveway, and scoops up a few rocks. He tries to get small to medium-sized pieces, but one larger one somehow edges his way into his hand. He keeps it, though, just in case he needs it. He slips the stones into his pocket for safekeeping.

The dark-haired boy walks along the side of the house a little, stopping where the backyard fence prevents him from going on. He takes a rock from his pocket, one of the smallest ones. He inhales, looks up at the second floor, and exhales. He tosses the rock up.

Tyler doesn't have the best aim, but he has somehow managed to hit the window on his first try. He looks up to it anxiously, waiting for the curtains to rustle and indicate that someone has heard him.


Maybe he didn't throw it hard enough.

Tyler takes another rock from his pocket and throws it up at the window, putting a little more power behind his throw. He waits, ready to dart away at any movement, but there's still no response.

Growing frustrated, Tyler takes a third rock from his pocket, a medium-sized one. He throws it at the window, and it makes a satisfying thunk! Tyler ducks behind a bush, waiting for someone to appear, but still nothing.

More out of anger than desire to rouse anyone, Tyler grabs the last rock from his pocket, the largest, and chucks it at the window.

It cracks.

Quickly, Tyler dives behind the bush, and puts his hand over his mouth to keep him from cursing aloud. You fricking idiot! he thinks to himself, heart pounding. You broke the window! Now what are you going to do?

He may have cracked the glass, but at least it achieved his goal. The curtains in the window rustle, and Tyler hunkers further down behind the bush. He has to be sure it's the right person.

A figure pushes the curtain aside and taps softly on the window, three times. He doesn't need to; Tyler can see the gleam of the boy's purple hair in the moonlight.

Almost sheepishly, Tyler comes out from behind the bush. He waves to the boy in the window, and the boy waves back. He holds up three fingers and closes the curtains again, disappearing. Three minutes

Tyler waits anxiously below the window. What is he going to say? I was trying to be romantic, but I broke your window. Oops! He begins to mentally curse himself out, but then stops. He reminds himself that the boy at the window wouldn't want him to yell at himself, aloud or otherwise.

Three minutes must have passed, because Tyler can hear the front door open. Just in case it isn't him, Tyler ducks behind the bush again, hoping. His heart is pounding beneath his olive green jacket.

He hears the soft whisper. "Tyler?"

Tyler steps out from behind the bush to greet the boy. His hair, dark purple on the top, and dark brown on the sides, is ruffled, like he's just woken up. He wears a pair of dark skinny jeans, as well as some sneakers. Tyler can't tell what shirt the boy is wearing, as it's covered by his thick, warm jacket.

"Josh, I'm so sorry. I promise, I'll pay to fix it." Tyler doesn't know how he'll afford to fix his boyfriend's window. He's only seventeen, so he's still in school, with no job.

"Sorry for what?" Josh asks softly, tilting his head to one side a little. Tyler loves when he does that.

Embarassed, the boy in the olive jacket rubs the back of his neck, and glances away. "I-um-I cracked your window."

Josh looks up to the window in disbelief, but the crack, which is near the bottom of the window, is visible enough. Tyler expects him to frown, or otherwise be upset, but the boy just laughs quietly.

"I didn't even realise it, I was so happy to see you. Don't worry about it, okay?" Josh leans in and kisses his boyfriend. Tyler temporarily forgets about the window, and kisses him back gratefully.

"So, why did you bring me out here?" Josh says after he's pulled away. Their puffs of breath are visible in the air, like little white clouds.

"I...I just wanted to see you. Do something with you." Tyler grows further embarassed, and ducks his head shyly. "At one in the morning. I know, it's crazy."

Josh gives Tyler a broad grin. "That sounds great, Tyler." 

Hand in hand, the two boys walk off into the cold night together. The window might be broken, but their hearts are safe as ever.

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