Red Robin (Ryden)

311 16 62

FEATURING: waiter!Ryan and collegestudent!Brendon
PROMPT: Brendon develops a crush on his waiter at Red Robin, and starts going there every day just to see him.
WORD COUNT: Approximately 1,920

"So I just think watermelons deserve more respect, you know?" Dallon was repetitively tapping his fingers against the glossy restaurant table. "It's just something I think about sometimes."

Brendon just nodded. He and Dallon, his best friend, had agreed to go out for lunch together before their final class of the day. It had been Dallon's turn to pick where they went, and he'd selected Red Robin. Brendon personally didn't care for the restaurant, but he could tolerate it for a day.

"All those poor melons getting blown up in YouTube videos," Dallon went on. "We could be putting that melon to good use, by eating it, but no. We're blowing it up for a few views online."

If you didn't know Dallon, you'd probably think he was high: he frequently rambled, often about the strangest topics, and he seemed to have a permanent case of the munchies. Dallon was as clean as could be, however--just pretty odd.

Brendon himself was pretty odd too, so he didn't mind. That was probably the reason they were friends.

A waiter put two menus on the table, startling Brendon out of his thoughts and Dallon from his watermelon rant. "Hello, welcome to Red Robin. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

Dallon didn't even glance at his men. "Just a water for me, please."

Brendon looked at his menu for a moment, to see whether they had Pepsi or Coke. They had Coke. "I'll have a Coke, please," he said, lifting his head up to look at the man taking their order.

Immediately, Brendon was taken with him. He had short, slightly curly brown hair, and the eyes to match. He wore the simple black shirt and pants of a typical Red Robin waiter, and he appeared to have a slightly small build, with narrow shoulders and delicate arms.

"I'll be right back," the waiter said, and he gave both boys a smile that Brendon found absolutely dazzling, before he headed off to get their drinks.

"God damn," Brendon muttered the moment the waiter was out of earshot.

Dallon glanced up from his menu. "What?"

"The waiter." Brendon was practically craning his neck to try and catch sight of the man, who was behind a counter halfway across the restaurant. "He's gorgeous."

"You think so?"


The waiter came back before either customer could say anything else, and gave them their drinks. "Have you decided what you'd like to eat?"

Brendon didn't even hear what Dallon said, he was too busy studying the waiter. He looked to be just a little shorter than Brendon himself, and his name tag read 'Ryan'.

"And you, sir?" the waiter asked, looking at Brendon.

Brendon hadn't even looked at his menu, and there wasn't enough time to now. "I-I'll have whatever he's having," he managed, feeling flustered.

"Alright." Ryan scribbled the order down on his tablet, then took the menus as Dallon handed them to him. "I'll be back with your food soon."

Ryan headed off to go take care of some other customers, and Brendon watched him go.

"He is kind of cute, isn't he?" Dallon commented, unfolding his napkin.

"Back off, Weekes," Brendon said, in a tone that was only half joking.

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