Bubblegum (Joshler)

258 18 13

CATEGORY: Fluff (of course)
FEATURING: bold!Tyler and new neighbor!Josh
PROMPT: Tyler visits the new neighbors next door, and is quickly intrigued by one in particular.
Word count: 1,540

Filled with curiosity, Tyler peered through the window as the moving van pulled into the driveway next door. A blue minivan pulled up just behind it, probably carrying the family who would live there.

Tyler had known that a new family would be moving next door for almost two weeks, since the for sale sign had been removed from the front yard. He knew it was official, because the landlord herself had come to take the sign.

Perhaps most teenagers wouldn't care so much about any such things going on in their neighborhood. Tyler cared, however. Anything happening in his neighborhood was interesting to him, and he wasn't shy about spying from his bedroom window, or walking by someone's house just to look at the new flowers in the planter box by the door, or boldly knocking on a neighbor's door to ask them about their new car.

Tyler was definitely inquisitive about his regular neighbors. These new people were no different.

The teenager watched as a man and woman got out of the van, probably a couple. Soon after, three kids got out of the car and ran up to the moving van to get their stuff.

One child lingered behind, however, taking his time to get out of the car and walking up the driveway. Even from here, Tyler could see the bright splash of the boy's bubblegum pink hair.

A boy with pink hair, and he looked to be about Tyler's age. Interesting.

Suddenly, someone knocked on Tyler's bedroom door. "Tyler, can I come in?"

Tyler quickly but quietly went over to his bed and sat down, picking up one of the many books on his nightstand and pretending to read it. "Yeah."

The bedroom door opened to reveal Tyler's mother. "Reading?"

"Mhm." Tyler lightly closed the book, which was some teen novel his mom had picked up for him at the library. He preferred classics.

"Well, the new neighbors are here." Tyler's mom frowned. "I don't want you spying on them, okay?" She was adamently against Tyler's interest in the neighborhood, seeing as it'd gotten him into trouble a few times. Once, when he'd climbed over Mr. Iero's fence to see his new dog, and a second time when Mr. Way accused him of trying to set him up with Mr. Iero. Although, they did end up getting together a few months later.

"Okay, mom." Tyler pretended to pay attention to what she was saying.

"However," she said, "if you'd like to go over this afternoon to welcome them to the neighborhood, that would be acceptable."

Tyler sat up straighter at her suggestion. "Okay. I'll do that."

"Good." After giving her son another knowing glance, she left, closing the door behind her.

Almost the second she was gone, Tyler went back to the window. The movers had started to bring boxes into the house, and he could see the three younger kids in the backyard. He wondered if they had any pets.

----  ----  ----  ----

Around one in the afternoon, Tyler was unable to wait any longer. His mother had made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for him to bring over, so he put them on a plate and wrapped it with saran wrap.

Since he waned to make a good impression, Tyler even changed his clothes. He put on a denim jacket over his white t-shirt, and a pale pink skirt with pink and white sneakers to match.

Tyler's parents had been rather confused when their oldest son started to take an interest in things that were considered feminine. They'd questioned him about his gender, offered to help him out even, but it wasn't as a big a deal as they had made it out to be--at least, not to Tyler. He did a lot of feminine things--he shaved his legs, wore skirts, painted his nails, maybe even wore some makeup if he felt like it--but he wasn't a girl. He was just a feminine boy, and he liked it that way.

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