Chapter 3: Secret Stash

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We drove in silence the whole ride to my house. Jase seemed unusually tense which of course made me tense, not to mention uncomfortable as all hell. When we pulled into my driveway Jase practically jumped out the car, opened my door, and motioned me to follow him inside. My mom wasn't home as usual, probably working another night shift so I sat on the kitchen bar stools while he raided my fridge. He took out my secret stash of Oreos, grabbed some milk and sat next to me.

“Those are supposed to be secret.” He shot me an ‘oh please’ look. “Are you at least going to share?” He just sat there continuing to eat my secret cookies. “Ok stop it. You're being weird and if you're not going to talk to me, then at least share the damn Oreos!”Jase pushed the milk and cookies towards me and I happily accepted. 

“Are you really going out with Justin Prince?” He finally asked. 

I sighed, I couldn’t believe this was bothering him that much.

“I don’t know. He seems nice, but like I told him and everyone else at the table, I might have to work.”

“And if you don’t have to work?”

“Then I’ll go. Whats the big deal?”

“The big deal is that your first date is with a teammate of mine.”

I groaned. “I hate that you know everything about me.” I lowered my head to the counter. I was already more than tired of this conversation.

Jase ignored what I said and continued to interrogate me. 

“What would happen if Prince did something to you? I would have to kill him and then the team would be down a wide receiver.”

“Thats what this is about? Football?!”

“What else would it be about?”

I slipped down off the stool and started for my room.

“Where are you going?”

“To bed, Jase, where else? In case you forgot, we have school in the morning. Are you sleeping over?”

“No. I have to get my car. I’ll pick you up at 7.”

I waved him off and continued to my room.

I had one of the worse nights sleep in a long time. If the first day back to school wasn’t enough, I had to deal with the fear of my first date not to mention Jase’s whole attitude towards it. What was I thinking saying yes? I didn't know how to date! So many questions ran through my mind. What if I said the wrong thing or have food stuck in my teeth? What if it went well and he tried to kiss me? Would that mean having a first boyfriend too? I turned over and screamed my frustration out into my pillow. The worse thought running through my head was that, just maybe, Jase had a point. If everything turned out the way he said it would, then I would never hear the end of it. If i got involved with one of his teammates it could complicate things. If things went sour between us then Jase would turn the team against him without a doubt. Even if it went well, I would just be entering the world that I’ve always tried to keep my distance from. I shook my head hard, hoping it would shake the thoughts right out. I was jumping the gun and driving myself crazy with scenarios that might not even happen. I mean, everything could work out just fine. Right?


“Kai honey, Jase will be here in half an hour.”

I glanced up at my mom who shook me awake. She gave me a hopeful grin and handed me a cup of coffee. My poor mom looked so tired. Her eyes were bloodshot and had dark circles underneath. She must have just got back from work. I ran to the shower, grabbed the first thing I saw in my closet, jeans and an oversized sweater, and went downstairs for breakfast.

“Oh, sweetheart.” She looked up from her newspaper and gave me a look of pity. “Did Jase keep you up again?”

“Not this time. My first day jitters kept me up.”

I sipped my coffee and contemplated telling my mom about Justin. I decided to come clean.

“I have a date on saturday.” I blurted out.

“Kai! thats great! You're first date! Whats his name?”

“His name is Justin Prince.” I answered choosing to ignore my moms enthusiasm. I wasn't in the mood for such a high level of joy, and why does everyone have to focus on the “first” part of  “first date” anyway? It really isn’t that big of a deal.

“Prince… hmmm, I don’t recognize the name.”

“Thats because he just moved here right before summer. He’s on the football team with Jase. Thats how we met.”

Mom got quiet and set her mug down. 

“Are you sure its a good idea to date a football player?”

I sighed, her too? 

“No mom, I’m not sure, and I already got the lecture from Jase but I can’t let his stupid team stop me from living my life.” 

I said the last part with such conviction I almost convinced myself. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder from behind and I jumped out of my seat, almost knocking my coffee over.

“Its just me Evans. Lay off the coffee, it makes you jumpy.”

“Do you have a key to the front door?” I asked after my heart started beating again.

“Of course I have a key. I’ve had it for over a year. I’m just not a big fan of doors.” He winked at me.

“I noticed.” I muttered in to my coffee.

Mom motioned Jase to sit down and handed him a bagel. “What do you know about this Justin Prince character?” 

“Well Kat, for starters, he’s fat, we’re talking whale size, has disgusting body odor that you can smell a mile away, and he chews with his mouth open.”

My mom giggled as I smacked Jase on the back of his head. “Stop lying! Mom, from what I can tell, Justin is a nice guy. You don't have to worry.”

“I wasn't lying about the chewing.” Jase mumbled under his breath.

“I trust you Kai. Now get going you two before you're late. I'm going to bed.”

Jase and I both hugged my mom and left for school.

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