Chapter 5: More Important than Football

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 Lauren and I walked in silence to our study hall class. I know Vanessa would make good on her promise to make my life hell, but I couldn’t help noticing that her threats were just aimed at me. Was I the only one who was going to suffer her wrath this year? Lauren reassured me that I had nothing to worry about when it came to Jason and Vanessa but I could tell by her tone that she didn’t really believe it herself. Deep down I knew she was right but there was still a lingering feeling that Vanessa could really cause some problems. Was our friendship really strong enough to withstand such a cataclysmic mess as Vanessa, or anyone else for that matter?

Study hall was just how Lauren described it. The teacher sat at his desk reading the newspaper while we sat around and talked the whole time. We were lucky enough to be around people who we grew up with and who we liked. All the talk  centered around the party this weekend and who was planning to hook up with who. I got bored quickly and spent the remainder of class working on homework that had already been assigned.                                                                     

It was easy to see why study hall was everyone favorite class but 6th period was the one I looked forward to the most. The classroom was far from the rest of the buildings which made it more private. The secluded setting was a perfect place to nurture ones creative ability and keep out the distractions of everyday school life. I walked to the far end of campus where I was greeted by a familiar face.

“Nice to see you again Kai. Are you ready for another year?” I smiled back at Seth. Seth was the photography teacher and my mentor. He took a special interest in me when he saw some of the pictures that I had taken freshman year. Back then, photography was just a hobby but he helped me realize my true potential and I decided to pursue it as a career. When I lost my drive to take pictures, Seth understood and offered me a teachers assistant position in his freshman class. I took it without hesitation. Just because I wasn’t taking pictures anymore, didn’t meant I couldn’t help others.

After we set the class up with their first paper assignment, I joined Seth at his desk in the back of the class.

“How was your summer? Take any pictures?” I shook my head solemnly. “Still not feeling inspired?”

“Is something wrong with me?” I asked.

“Not at all. It happens all the time to young artists. I wouldn’t worry. One day inspiration will knock you off your feet and you’ll be taking so many photographs, I’ll have to kick you out of that dark room.” He pointed to the revolving door to the side of the classroom. It made me sad to think that just a year ago that dark room was my home away from home. I could only hope that what he said was right.


I met Jason at his car when school was over. With the exception of my run in with the witch of County Falls, the day hadn't been so bad. As I walked to the car, I noticed Marcus Coleman talking to Jase. He was on the team as well and was known as the schools class clown. Marcus was one of the few popular kids I could actually stand due to his sort of care free attitude. I didn't think he took anything seriously, even football.

“Well if it isn't cutie Kai? How you been girl? I barely saw you this summer.”

“Oh, you know me Marcus. I’ve been busy living it up in my house. How are you?”

“Well, like I was telling my boy Summers over here, I'm ready to kick some ass this year. You're coming to the first game right.”

I hesitated. “Well, I might have to work.”

“Typical Kai, always ready with an excuse. You have to go to one this year at least. Have you even been to any of our games?”

“Of course I have.”

“When?” he asked skeptically.

“Umm freshman year?” I answered timidly. Marcus looked me like I told him the world was ending.

He shook is head. “Thats just unacceptable. Talk to your girl, Summers.” A women's voice called out to Marcus from across the parking lot. She gave him a flirty smile which he returned. “Thats my cue to go. Smack some sense in to her will ya? I’ll see you guys later.” He shook Jason's hand and gave me a tight hug before he jogged off to the girl. I didn't recognize her but that didn't stop her from shooting eye daggers at me.

“Marcus is right you know?” Jase said as he started the car “You should be at the game.” 

“Im not a fan of games and you know that. I have no interest in seeing a bunch of guys smash in to each other. Plus, I don’t know much about the damn sport.”

“You know enough. You definitely know more than the girls at this school and probably more than a lot of the guys. You just have to be there and support us.”

“You never cared about me going before.”

“I’ve always cared Kaia, It was just pointless to keep asking, but now that I'm starting QB… I was hoping you would put your sports prejudice aside and come cheer for me. Don't make me beg.”

“But you’re so adorable when you beg.” He shot me a dirty look and I sighed in defeat.

“Im not promising anything but I’ll see what I can do.”

His eyes lit up. “That’s all I ask.” Jase continued to drive when I brought up what was really bugging me.

“So, speaking of whores.”

Jase shook so hard with laughter, I was afraid he was going to crash in to the next car. “I’m sorry, Were we speaking of whores? I think I would know if we were, considering my love for them.” I ignored his comment and continued.

“I had a run in with Vanessa today.” Jase kept his eye on the road but I noticed his eyes narrow.

“Oh yeah? What did she have to say?”

“Oh you know, The usual. Hates me. Loves you, blah blah blah…” he winced at the word love. “She said that you were going to be her’s and that she would ruin our friendship,”

“She's so full of shit. Why do you even talk to her?”

“It’s hard to avoid her when she's up in my face. Is she right? Is our friendship in trouble?”

“How can you even ask that? You're letting her in to your head and playing in to her game.”

“You didn't answer the question.”

“Of course not!” Jason's eyes were tightened in anger. “I would never let anything or anyone come between us. You're the most important person in my life and the fact that we’re even talking about this is insulting.”

“Am I more important than football?” 


“You heard me.”

Jase smiled, visibly relaxing. “Football is a close second.”

I smiled to myself, I couldn’t help but feel relieved. Jason was right, the fact that I let Vanessa get in to my head in the first place was stupid of me. There was nothing to worry about. Nothing was going to ruin us.

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