Chapter 20: Secret Plans

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Two weeks. Thats how long it took for my table dancing to become old news. For those 2 weeks I tried to avoid the cat calls and the name calling as much as possible. Sticking next to Justin helped accomplished this until the drama died down, which made us pretty much inseparable. Jase's visits grew more infrequent the busier he became. The team was undefeated so far thanks to his leadership and they were on the road to make the state finals. He also kept his distance from Justin, only speaking to him during practice or games. The distanced helped Justin's insecurities and also kept Vanessa off my back, but I was really missing my best friend.

Lauren was worse than ever. She upped the ante on her flirting game, talking to any boy who would listen. According to her, she and Brian still hooked up and she didn't care about any of the other girls, but I caught her staring them down whenever she caught one of them near him. She may think she became mature and worldly after having sex, but I knew better. After Aidan's protection of me during the flyer fiasco, we became closer than ever. Our shifts were almost always together now, and when I wasn't with Justin, I was with him watching movies and hanging out.

My relationship with my mother pretty much went back to normal after a while but I kept the lies she told in the back of my mind. I hadn't received another email from my father, much to my relief, but I stayed away from the computer as much as possible, just in case. My mother was still dating Rick and things seemed to be going well for them. I knew she liked him when she decided to cut down her shifts from 16 to 10 hours. It may not seem like much, but to my mother, it was making a bold statement.

Thanksgiving came and went like every year. Jase, who usually spent the day with us, had to visit family in Los Angeles, so my mother was kind enough to invite Justin over. She and Justin got along really well and she seemed more relaxed around him but I knew she missed Jase hanging around. The food was delicious as usual and the conversation remained light. This year I thought I lucked out and skipped the annual football game but sadly, Justin dragged me over to the television to watch. He was even worse than Jase when it came to watching. He yelled every five minutes in anger or in cheer and stood up countless times. My mother and I just humored him and laughed along.

Before I knew it, it was December, one week before winter vacation to be exact, and Lauren and I sat at the diner counting down the days.

"You know your mom is planning a birthday thing for you right?"

I continued to play with my milkshake. I wasn't phased at all by this news. "It wouldn't be her if she didn't." I replied. "I tried desperately to stop it, but that woman is determined."

"Don't worry Kai, I got your back."

"Uh oh."

"Hey! Whats that supposed to mean?"

"It means, you have a plan and whenever you have a plan, I end up with a flat tire or a bloody nose or my shoes go missing."

"Man that night was fun. From what I could remember at least."

"Point is, I always get screwed in your little plans."

"Not this time my friend, this time its going to be fun. I convinced your mom to have a small dinner with you, me, Justin and Aidan."

"What about Jase?" I was surprised she forgot to mention him.

"He can't make it. Something about his dad." My shoulders slumped. This birthday was gonna suck. "Anyways, your mom is going out of town with her boyfriend that weekend..." I'd forgotten that part. Rick was flying them out to New York for a weekend getaway. I suddenly knew where Lauren was going with this.

"You're going to throw a party aren't you?" She nodded enthusiastically. "At my house." She nodded harder. "For my birthday, with no parent supervision." She nodded so hard I was afraid she was going to break her neck. "Won't work." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Of course it will. Just leave everything to me.

"Were you going to ask my opinion on this?"

"I already know your opinion and its too late. The flyer has already been handed out. It's either this or your mothers party and she was not kidding about the games and streamers."

I was defeated. Lauren was right. A party was going to happen whether I liked it or not and it was mortifying to think of the student body playing musical chairs in my living room. I slinked down in to my seat.

"Thats a good girl. Listen, all you have to do is show up looking fierce as hell and I will take care of the rest. Oh! that reminds me, we need to go shopping." Her face turned panicked. "We only have a week!" The urge to hide for the duration of winter became more appealing with every word out of Lauren's mouth.

Lauren proceeded to drag me around the mall for hours until she was satisfied with a dress for her to wear. After she was happy, It was my turn to look. We stopped at a trendy store and I stepped in to the dressing room while she passed me dresses one by one from our pile.

"Let me see!"

I stepped out in a clingy long sleeved black dress.

"Justin is going to lose it in his pants when he sees you in that!"

"Lauren!" my cheeks flushed.

"Oh don't be such a prude, besides, its true."

Again the topic came back to sex, but this time, I had to admit that I was curious about it. The longer Justin and I were together the more I felt pressured to do it.

"I have thought about it." She stared at me blankly. "About sex and um... having it."

Her jaw dropped. "You're serious?"

"Of course I am. I wouldn't joke about this."

"Wow Kai. I have to admit I'm shocked. I was willing to bet money that you would die a virgin," I shot her an evil glare

"but if you're sure then I'm happy for you."

I gave her a genuine smile as she handed me the next dress. My face must've changed expressions quickly because she asked "What's wrong?"

"I don't have the slightest clue what I'm doing."

"Oh... well, I'm sure it would help your nerves if you prepared, so after we find you an erection inducing dress..." My face burned again. "Seriously, Kai how are you going to get laid if you get embarrassed at the word erection? Are you going to run and hide when I say penis?"

"Yes! But only to get away from you and your loud ass."

"As I was saying, we should stop for lingerie, condoms, lube..."

"Lube?" I repeated after her but she didn't hear me and continued to prepare my sex life.

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