Chapter 34: Tear Stained Shirt

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The rest of the week was miserable. Since I was becoming an expert at avoiding, it was easy to hide from the world and evade any questions that I didn't want to answer. When I got home after developing my pictures, my mom asked me how the meeting with my dad went. I left the restaurant hours ago but it seemed that he didn't tell her that I ditched him. He probably was too busy with his family to even notice that I never came back from the restroom. Since he didn't mention it, I decided against it too. I plastered on my best fake smile and told her that everything went well but that I thought it was best if we kept our distance. Thankfully, she understood and didn't ask any more questions.

In addition to home and the dark room, work was usually a happy place for me but ever since we got back from our trip, Aidan had been acting cold towards me. He stopped looking me in the eye and would only speak to me in short, polite sentences. He wasn't being mean but he wasn't particularly nice either. He made it painfully awkward for me to be around him so I spent more time with my other co-workers which meant more time hearing Miranda bitch and complain. School sucked and now worked sucked too.

Aidan and I were the last two left on our Friday late shift. Everyone had gone home for the night and we were trusted to close the diner down. The lights inside were already dimmed and while I counted the registers, he swept and mopped the floor. We kept to ourselves for the most part but when Aidan bumped in to my shoulder and didn't say anything, it was the last straw.

"Why are you being such a jerk lately?" I yelled at him. Aidan looked up from the floor like he did not know what I was talking about. "Don't pretend that you don't know what I'm talking about. You've barely spoken to me in weeks. You don't call or text me anymore. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

He let out a sigh and placed the broom on the wall. "You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then what's the problem? I thought we were friends."

"That is the problem!" His voice raised which made me stumble back. I never heard Aidan yell before and I didn't care for it.

"What do you mean?"

"You and I have been hanging around with each other almost every day since New Years. I introduced you to my sister and my nephew. My uncle loves you. You're practically part of the family!"

He wasn't making any sense. "So what? How does knowing your family mean you can't speak to me?"

"It doesn't."

"This is going nowhere." I grabbed the broom from the wall and continued sweeping. This conversation was pointless. I felt Aidan's eyes following me around the diner, watching me sweep. He could stare as long as he wanted for all I cared. I wasn't going to be the first person to say something.

"When we were in the car driving back home you mentioned some guy." He finally spoke.


"You left me alone on this god forsaken tour while you spent most of your time with this stranger in some gallery having deep discussions about art and whatever. You encouraged me to get to know that annoying ass girl and top it all off, you tell me that this gallery manager is cute." He was rambling now.

"What does Dominic have to do with anything?"

"Please don't say his name." He shook his head and grunted in frustration. Then he turned to me, and trapped me between his body and the counter. Both of his hands were placed on the counter top causing our faces to be only an inch apart. He gazed in to my eyes and I suddenly felt nervous. After a moment he reached for my face and held it between his fingers. They felt incredibly soft as he traced them gently along my jaw and then finally ending on the corner of my mouth. Before I could say anything, Aidan's lips were on mine. Closed at first but when his lips parted, mine did as well. We kissed for a few seconds before I pulled back.

"We can't." I whispered. He stared at me for a little longer and then slid down to sit on the floor, his back resting on the counter.

"I love you Kai." He confessed. "I have loved you since last summer."

"You liked Lauren." I said, trying to get the facts straight.

He let out a soft laugh. "I only hung out with Lauren to get closer to you."

"Aidan..." I knelt down beside him.

"I know. Its stupid but I couldn't go on anymore pretending. I had to tell you"

My heart broke in two. I turned to face him and stared right in to his eyes because I needed him to know that what I was going to say next was important. "You are the most amazing, kind hearted person I have ever met."

He turned his face but I grabbed it. "Please listen. You were there for me when I felt abandoned. You look out for me and protect me. You make me laugh more than anyone ever has."

"But, it's not enough." His voice broke at the end and it sent me over the edge. I was crying now. He pulled me over to his side and wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head on him. "It's not enough, because you love Jase." He said point blank. We never discussed Jase but according to everyone, my feelings were always clear even if I was still the last know.

My tears increased. "I wish I didn't." I shook my head in to his shoulder. "You don't know how badly I want it to be you. I love you Aidan but not in the same way and I am so sorry for that. He's a part of me. He has a permanent place in my heart and losing him would mean losing myself."

I felt a light kiss on my head and then a cheek resting on it. "I understand. I hate it, but I understand. I'll be anything you want me to be Kai as long as I have you in my life."

I sniffled. "I could really use a friend."

"Then that's what I'll be. I'm sorry I ignored you."

I was sorry for a lot of things too but instead I said "I'm sorry I ruined your shirt."

He let out a little laugh and then kissed my head again. We sat there in silence until it got it late. I cried, he stroked my arm and, for the first time, we understood how each other truly felt.

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