Chapter 31: C.U.

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The drive to County University was only a 45 minute drive from Robin's house. She kindly packed a lunch for Aidan and I, even after we insisted she shouldn't, and saw us off. I was a bit nervous and I knew Aidan was too. At least he knew he was already in, I was still in college limbo.

School was still in session. Robin let us know that their spring break wasn't for another two weeks so when we arrived, the campus was lively. As we walked to the auditorium for our tour, I couldn't help comparing college students to high school ones. The college kids dressed up in casual jeans and sweaters unlike my school where all the "cool" kids were dressed up in the latest trends. Most of the college kids, I noticed, kept to themselves or in small groups not like the cliques that I was used too. I saw many people reading under the trees or studying on benches and I thought that this wouldn't be a bad place to attend. I felt as if I may even fit in here.

The auditorium was packed with people. There were booths located all over with banners that advertised the latest cause or club. Aidan pointed over to the booth we were supposed to meet the tour group. We walked over to a group of students who were already signing up.

"Are you here to sign up for the tour?" A tiny girl with black straight hair asked us. She wore a County  U Sweater and a name tag the read "Kimmy." I assumed she was a tour guide.

"We actually signed up already" Aidan answered. "Aidan Monroe and Kaia Evans."

She scrolled down her clip board. "Here you two are." She checked our names off. "Go ahead and have a seat, we will be starting shortly."

Aidan and I grabbed the nearest seats and waited patiently.

"Hey!" A girl sitting in front of us with curly red hair turned around in her seat to face us. "Are you taking the tour too?"

"We are." I answered. "I'm Kai and this is Aidan. We're from County Falls." She shook both of our hands.

"I'm Maggie. I go to school in Seaside. Did you already get your acceptance letter."

"He did." I pointed to Aidan. "I'm still waiting for mine."

"I just received mine a few days ago. My mom forced me to take the tour even though I know my way around. My sister is a sophomore here and I visit her all of the time." Her glanced moved to Aidan who shifted uncomfortably under her intense gaze.

"Alright everyone gather around!" Kimmy called out as we gathered around her. "We're going to do an exercise to better know each other before we start. Please state your name, your grade, and your intended major. We'll start with you." She pointed to Maggie.

"I'm Maggie O'Shea. I'm a junior at Seaside, and I'm undeclared."

Kimmy went down the line. There were four other undeclared majors, three biology majors, three psychology majors, including Aidan, and two political science ones. I was the only art major in the group.

When the introductions were over, our tour began. Kimi brought us to the library first which had wall to wall books and a 24 hour computer lab. I made sure to get acquainted with this place since I knew I would spend a lot of time there. If I got in, that is.

Maggie stayed close to me as we continued our tour. She was nice enough but had a snarky remark for everything and even tried to take over as guide. I found the whole thing hilarious but Kimi wasn't too pleased. She then showed us the student store, which we were able to roam freely around for a few minutes.

I was busy checking out the assortment of pens and pencils when Maggie came up behind me and cornered me.

"Are you and Aidan going out?"

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