Chapter 21: It's My Birthday...

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School let out early on thursday which happened to be the day of my birth. The plan for tonight was to go to dinner at my favorite Italian restaurant and then back to my house for cake. It was going to be a perfect low key dinner, except it was far from perfect. We ended up waiting 45 minutes to be seated even though we had reservations, the conversation was monopolized by Lauren and on the rare times she didn't speak, we sat there in awkward silence and to top it off, I was disappointed that Jase wasn't there. Part of me hoped that he would blow off whatever plans he had and just show up but it quickly became apparent that he wasn't going to come.

We arrived back at the house where my mom took out the 'Beauty and the Beast' themed cake and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me off key. I was surprised when I was handed presents to open after the confectionary goodness. My mother gave me a gorgeous scarf, Lauren handed me a gift card to Victoria's Secret with a nudge and a wink, and Justin took out a small box and placed it in to my hand.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I told him.

"It's not much."

I opened the small box, kind of nervous to what I was going to find. Inside was a keychain with a photo of us attached.

"Aww Justin, thank you. This is so sweet. I'd forgotten that we took this." It was our selfie that we took after the homecoming game to commemorate becoming official.

"I told you it wasn't much."

"Stop it. I love it." I gave him a light kiss and attached it to my keys.

This part of the festivities was definitely more enjoyable than that awkward dinner because everyone seemed to relax a little more and let loose. It only got better when Aidan turned it in to a dance party after my mom called it a night and the three of us danced like idiots while Justin sat on the sofa and laughed at us. Apparently he was too cool to dance with us.

It was close to midnight when everyone decided to leave. Justin and I remained on the couch watching television. The lights were off causing me to be hyper aware that we were all alone in the dark. Every graze of the arm or touch of a foot made me jump.

"Did you have a good birthday?"

"Hmm? What?" I was too busy concentrating on his shoulder next to mine to pay attention to what he said. Justin chuckled and closed in on me.

"I asked if you had a good birthday."

"Oh. Yeah, it was fun. Thank you for being here."

"Anytime." Justin pressed his forehead against mine. I felt his warm breath exhale near my mouth. He leaned in closer and pressed his lips to mine. I closed my eyes and lost myself in it. His kissing grew almost desperate and as the pressure of his lips increased, so did my heartbeat. It was so much easier to kiss like this when I was inebriated but now that I was sober, my mind was going a mile a minute. Justin shifted is weight forward and I found myself lying beneath his body. His hand skimmed down my body until he reached my thigh. When he got there he grabbed it and propped it up forcing my legs to open. He situated himself between my legs and... Oh my god! Was he hard? I pulled my face away from his suddenly feeling way too hot.

"It's ok Kai. I'll be gentle."

He continued to kiss me, moving from my lips to my neck. Gentle? What did he think was going to happen tonight? We never discussed taking our relationship further and even though I was considering it, and had the lingerie to prove it, I wasn't going to do it on my couch with my mother upstairs.

"My mother is upstairs." I said between breaths.

"We'll be quiet."

"She could come down in any moment."

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